When COVID-19 was initially announced no one knew how to respond, and everyone wondered how long it would last. Over the last two years and two months, I’ve written 35 posts focused on ministry during a pandemic. This post provides a comprehensive listing of these vital resources.

- In-Person Worship Attendance: Continued Challenges (April 2022)
- All Saints & All Souls in a Pandemic (November 2021)
- Pandemic Worship: 10 Sacred Spaces (October 2021)
- Mask Up (August 2021)
- Latest Church Trends: Membership & Giving (July 2020)
- My First Complete In Person Worship Experience (July 2020)
- My “Next Normal” Communion Experience (June 2020)
- It’s Time to Live Again (May 2020)
- Pandemic Regathering: 8 Experiences (April 2021)
- Reopening for In Person Worship: 5 Congregations (April 2021)
- First Indoor Worship Service in a Year (March 2021)
- First In Person Worship Experience in a Year (March 2021)
- Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine (January 2021)
- 10 Months (and Counting) Without In Person Worship (January 2021)
- New Year, New Worship Experience (January 2021)
- Staying Put (October 2020)
- Most Have Not Returned to In Person Worship (September 2020)
- 6 Months (and Counting) Without In Person Worship (September 2020)
- Social Media in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (August 2020)
- Should Churches Offer in Person Worship? (August 2020)
- Most Congregations Now Offer In Person Worship (July 2020)
- 10 In Person Worship Experiences from 2020 (July 2020)
- Nearly 3 Million Young Adults Moved Back Home (July 2020)
- Not Comfortable Returning to In Person Worship (July 2020)
- Teaching Sunday School in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (June 2020)
- Blogging in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (May 2020)
- Prayer in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (May 2020)
- The Coming Wave of Permanent Church Closures (May 2020)
- Church Identity in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 2020)
- 40 New Online Worship Experiences (April 2020)
- Church Changes in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 2020)
- Easter Miracles: Empty Tomb, Empty Churches (April 2020)
- Life in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020)
- Ministry in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020)
- Worship In the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020)
So What?
Seminary prepared me well for ministry, but never once mentioned what to do if a pandemic occurred. Ministry leaders have been learning how best to be church and how and when it was wise and safe to do so in person for the last two years and two months.
I’ve learned a great deal, and seek to continue learning. I am well aware that the pandemic is not over.
I welcome any and all resources you’d like to share with me and with other ministry leaders.