This morning at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) we continued the Lenten Challenges series. Sermon My message, “Love Wastefully” is based on the narrative lectionary passage: Luke 15:1-32. You can watch below (due to technical difficulties only the audio is available) or read the manuscript. Excerpt Three parables all teach us the same truth. Rather than centering lostness and foundness, they center love. Friends, I know many people who work demanding blue-collar Read More …
We Could Wreck the World (#2208)
I'm often intrigued by the messages all around me, especially those on wheels. I've explored this fascination in prior posts, including We Could Wreck the World A few weeks ago I as I neared downtown Dallas on I-30 on my way to White Rock Center of Hope, I observed a truck displaying an unexpected message. "We could wreck the world. Jesus Saves." Business Insight The marketing trick worked. I turned to Google to learn more.. The first article I read was "God's Wrecking Crew," a Read More …
My One of a Kind Ash Wednesday Experience (#2207)
Four months ago, I shared my departure from a social media platform I once loved and participated in for 15 years: Goodbye Twitter, X, or Whatever You’ve Become. Shortly before leaving I joined Bluesky and, to date, have seen some hopeful signs that this platform might grow into something similar to what I experienced long ago on Twitter. In my first four months I've attracted nearly 1,000 followers and experienced some meaningful engagement. Interestingly, I joined Threads well before Read More …
Lenten Challenge: Loving God & Loving Neighbor (#2206)
This morning at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) we kicked off the Lenten Challenges series. Sermon My message, “Loving God and Loving Neighbor” is based on the narrative lectionary passage: Luke 10:25-42. You can watch below or read the manuscript. Excerpt I remember a time when a lot of people were talking about a church sign. I’m not referencing the fact that Advent’s church sign went dark earlier this week and is now awaiting a repair. Although now, you’ll Read More …
Counting the Cost (#2205)
Today is Ash Wednesday. It is also the start of a new sermon series at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA: Lenten Challenges. Sermon My message, Counting the Cost“” is based on the narrative lectionary passage:: Luke 9:51-62. At noon I preached it as part of an English language service at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA). At 7:00pm, I preached it again as part of a bilingual service with the assistance of Connie Ortega. Since these services were not livestreamed or recorded, the only way to Read More …
Great New Books for March 2025 (#2204)
The best new books I've read in the last month are Immigration and Apocalypse Immigration is a topic that is being discussed with greater passion and urgency than ever before. As faith leaders, we must be equipped to engage in these conversations with a deep understanding that places the current moment in its proper historical context. To do this effectively, we must continue learning, and Yii-Jan Linn’s powerful new book is an essential resource for that journey. Welcome Read More …
Listen to Jesus (#2203)
This morning at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA). we concluded our Meeting Jesus Again series. Sermon My message, “Listen to Him” is based on the narrative lectionary passage:: Luke 9:28-45. You can watch below or read the manuscript. Excerpt These disciples were not seeking out a mountaintop experience, but are transformed by it. They and we seek clarity and understanding. The Transfiguration provides all of this and more. In this moment we see much more Read More …
My Visit to Our Lord’s Lutheran Church (#2202)
In December 2023, my wife started a new job in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. Since her work requires on site leadership, we immediately became a multi-state family. We retained our home in Arlington, Texas and rented an apartment in Oklahoma City. Then, a few months later, we purchased a home in Oklahoma City. I planned to spend at least one weekend a month in Oklahoma. And, on Sunday mornings we expected to visit one of the area Mainline Protestant congregations. That plan worked Read More …
Long-Term Church Membership (#2201)
Somehow I've managed to do what I once assumed impossible: become a long-term member of a local congregation. I've been part of several congregations for three years and one congregation for four years, however, those medium-term experiences included both church membership and paid service on the church staff. And, in the case of my four years at Naples United Church of Christ not only was I both a church member and a member of the church staff, I was not present for worship on Sunday mornings Read More …
The Gift of Doubt (#2200)
This morning at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA). we continued our Meeting Jesus Again series. Sermon My message, “Welcoming Doubt" is based on the narrative lectionary passage: Luke 7:18-23. You can watch below or read the manuscript. Excerpt Just as good church members – of actual congregations as well as fictitious ones – know what to expect of a prospective pastor, John the Baptist knew what to expect of Jesus. Remember siblings in Christ, this is the same John Read More …