The CANA Initiative (Convening, Advocating, Networking, Acting) is a collective of faith-engaged people and entities (Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Mainline Protestant, Orthodox, and other Christians who believe the future for Christian life and mission will be different in many ways from the past and present), that brings together diverse and innovative leaders to collaborate in the development of new ways of being Christian. During Lent, Diana Butler Bass – a CANA initiator Read More …
I Love Jesus Because (#1356)
Heidi Weaver, founder and president of LOVEboldly, recently shared her list of 16 reasons why the real historical Jesus is worthy of our love, including: because he is wild and passionate, zealous and out of line, unpredictable, defender of the defenseless, lover of the unlovable, friend of the most unlikely folks to receive anyone’s friendship; because he defied the meaningless and empty customs of his day in exchange for redemptive relationship, boundless mercy, and hospitality to Read More …
Sermon: Beginning the Journey (#1346)
Sermon Text: Psalm 51:1-17 Sermon Manuscript It doesn't come as a surprise to me that those gathered here this evening are far fewer in number than those who worshiped in this sacred space on Sunday morning. Ash Wednesday has a way of thinning the crowd – especially the Protestant crowd. It is a day some have called “the most uncomfortable day of the year.” Ash Wednesday is an unusual sort of service for those of us who are not accustomed to the high church world of smells and Read More …
Lenten Carbon Fast (#1027)
This is the third consecutive year that the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ is shepherding an Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast. Participants or interested parties can register to receive a daily e-mail featuring a "suggested carbon-reducing activity, "including information about how significantly such an action will contribute to carbon reduction. Additionally, the campaign features weekly themes for congregations. All content is available via the Read More …
Chuck Knows Church (#1024)
Chuck Knows Church is a relatively new educational resource funded by the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. Every Thursday, a somewhat goofy yet always personable, pastoral and knowledgeable man named Chuck shares a new 2-4 minute YouTube video on a basic topic related to Christianity. Past topics include liturgical colors, the offering plate, the Narthex, the baptismal font, and Lent. The latest video is on the Lord's Prayer: So What? In Read More …
Unusual Lenten Discipline (#1014)
In recent years more and more people have chosen to embrace something new rather than give up something for Lent. The list of possibilities for Lenten disciplines is nearly endless. The most unique discipline I have heard this year is that chosen by Shawnthea Monroe. Monroe is senior minister of Plymouth Church - a United Church of Christ Congregation in Shaker Heights, OH. She has chosen to wear a collar for Lent. In doing so, she realizes many she encounters each Read More …
What Would You Die For? (#1009)
A week ago today, I reviewed Not Less than Everything: Catholic Writers on Heroes of Conscience from Joan of Arc to Oscar Romero (2013). A few days after writing that piece, I received a request from Duane Arnold to take a look at what he and others are doing through "The Martrys Project." The project has released a CD featuring prayers from a “great cloud of witnesses” from across the centuries and around the globe and include Oscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a child from Read More …
Ashes of Transformation (#1003)
Dawn Hutchings, one of the pastors of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Ontario, recently shared an Ash Wednesday homily she wrote from a progressive perspective. On this day when the most familiar words serve as reminders of our mortality, Hutchings suggests another way to receive and embrace the ashes that will adorn our foreheads: Let the ashes you wear be the ashes of transformation; of awakening to the beauty and love of seizing the moment and living it to the fullest. So What? This past Read More …
The Light of Lent (#0665)
Prolific author and progressive religious leader Sister Joan Chittister, recently shared an excerpt from her short book Journey into Light in a Lenten article for the Huffington Post. She concludes that article with these powerful words: The light of Lent is the beacon that enables us to see under the obvious, the systemic, the hypocritical in both state and church to the evil they mask from us. It is the path to integrity, to righteousness, to the Spirit of God. So What? Lent Read More …
Tattoos for Lent? (#0662)
In recent years I have heard about many non-traditional Lenten disciplines. Chris Seay, pastor of Ecclesia Church in Houston, provided his congregation a unique opportunity that "combines the ideas of sacrifice and devotion that mark the Lenten season." More specifically, he asked them to consider getting a tattoo of one of the stations of the cross. So What? Writing for CNN, Dan Merica reports that more than 50 people associated with the congregation Seay pastors have Read More …