This morning at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) we kicked off the Lenten Challenges series. Sermon My message, “Loving God and Loving Neighbor” is based on the narrative lectionary passage: Luke 10:25-42. You can watch below or read the manuscript. Excerpt I remember a time when a lot of people were talking about a church sign. I’m not referencing the fact that Advent’s church sign went dark earlier this week and is now awaiting a repair. Although now, Read More …
An Unusual Way to Begin to Lent (#2108)
I have spent my entire life in Mainline Protestant denominations that observe Lent. While every congregation I've been a part of brings its own unique context to this observance, certain elements have never changed - including the date of Ash Wednesday. Both/And This morning I provided pulpit supply for West Fork Presbyertian Church (PCUSA) in Grand Prairie, Texas. And, for the first time in my life, I led a service on the first Sunday in Lent that incorporated elements of Ash Read More …
Lent, License Plates, & Christian Nationalism (#2035)
About this time last year I shared an unusual religious license plate - a cross beside "REP3NT" - in a wide ranging reflection titled "It’s Lent Again." While focusing on my Lenten journey for 2022, the piece also mentioned a number of posts from previous Lenten experiences. Then it happened again. This past Sunday I was on my way to church to worship on the first Sunday in Lent. As I made my final roadway turn before turning into my congregation's parking lot I saw the most unexpected Read More …
It’s Lent Again (#1978)
Lent has always been a big deal to me. I grew up Presbyterian. I spent 20+ years in parish ministry. And, I tend to appreciate anything that inspires more focused action in life or in the life of faith. Lenten Reflections: The Last 10 Years Not surprisingly, I've written quite a bit about Lent here at So What Faith over the years. A sampling from odd numbered years follows: 2011 - Social Media: Fast or Engage? - consideration of a then current article and interview with Bruce Read More …
Giving Up the Church I Always Knew (#1916)
For the last fifteen or so years I've focused on approaching life, ministry, and the life of faith from a both/and perspective rather than the either/or framework that was normative in my earlier years. For Lent, I'm accustomed to both giving something up and adding something on as a way of growing in my faith. In past years, items in both the giving up and adding on categories have been mundane. They were not original. Nonetheless, they were helpful. This year, for Lent I'm formally Read More …
A Lenten Call to Action (#1673)
Lent is here. For many this is a season of increased emphasis on the religious life. Giving Up For most of my life, I participated in Mainline Protestant faith communities that asked participants to give something up for Lent. The list didn't change from year to year. It included food (chocolate and/or all sweets seemed to be a top choice), and drink (usually a word substitute for alcohol although soda was a viable option for children). In more recent years, the items on the list one Read More …
Most Popular Sermons (#1570)
We are now almost two weeks into the second half of the year known as 2015. A few weeks ago I shared my most popular blog posts from the first half of the year. Today, I offer my most popular sermons from the first half of the year (based on YouTube views) in lieu of new sermon content since I am on vacation and not preaching this morning. Titleless - watch / read - a 13 min. message on humility Surprising Salaries - watch / read - a 12 min. message on the Read More …
A Unique Lenten Discipline (#1374)
Last year I shared the story of an unusual Lenten discipline: Shawnthea Monroe, senior minister of Plymouth Church, chose to wear a collar for Lent. This year, I encountered an even more unique Lenten discipline: wearing orange prison jumpsuit. Kent McKeever, a Baptist youth minister at Seventh and James Baptist Church and an attorney who represents indigent clients through Mission Waco, is wearing the orange jumpsuit throughout Lent "to draw attention to Read More …
Pope Francis Goes to Confession (#1370)
Popes going to Confession is nothing new, and the current Pope going to confession isn't newsworthy. Pope Francis decision, however, to go off script yet again in a penance service is. Rather than heading for the confessional to which he was being escorted in order to hear confessions, Pope Francis chose to make his way to another confessional where he "spent about three minutes kneeling before the priest’s open confessional and received absolution." Only after doing so did he hear Read More …
Drive-Through Prayer (#1360)
After last week's piece about a drive-in church, the idea of drive-through prayer doesn't seem strange at all. Estero United Methodist Church, a church near where I live, is providing drive-through prayer every Wednesday evening from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m through April. Since they are located on a busy road, discipleship director John Halley considers it to be "one way to put ourselves out there and to give folks the opportunity to come by and receive the blessing of Read More …