Today I have the privilege of preaching at United Church of Marco Island. My sermon texts are Psalm 1 and Luke 14:25-33. Sermon Excerpt Which of you would plan to build a new custom home without creating a detailed budget, and ensuring you have the necessary funds to complete construction? If you do not count the cost and only partially build the home, then it will be worthless and you will be the laughing-stock of your community. Or can you imagine the leader of a powerful nation Read More …
Things to Hate About Spiritual Formation (#1087)
John Ortberg is the Senior Pastor of the 4,000 member Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and the author of multiple books on spiritual formation. Recently in a Leadership Journal article, he revealed 7 things he hates about spiritual formation. His list includes: I hate how spiritual formation gets positioned as an optional pursuit for a small special interest group within the church, and I hate it when we forget that the goal is producing truly good people, Read More …
A New Vision for Christian Education (#1078)
Yesterday, I spent a good deal of my day at church. After worship, the Board of Christian Education gathered in a meeting room for a five hour retreat focused on planning for the future. While a summary of of those proceedings will likely fill many pages, one sentence sets the tone for the future: Vision: To have as many participants each week in educational experiences as are present in worship. While retaining high quality standards, our congregation's educational programs for Read More …
Review of Shaping the Journey (#0918)
Meet the Authors Richard R. Dunn and Jana L. Sundene both have experience as professors and in parish ministry. Dunn is lead pastor at Fellowship Evangelical Free Church (Knoxville, TN), and formerly served as chair of educational ministries at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Sundene serves on the leadership team of the Vine Christian Community (Long Grove, IL), and is associate professor of Christian ministries at Trinity College. Book Basics Given the limited Read More …
The Only Jesus (#0898)
I have heard people with widely divergent theological perspectives utter the same message on many occasions: you may be the only Jesus others see. In the parish I serve, the senior minister often challenges the congregation to live into this truth. So What? For those who follow the way of Jesus, the quest should be a 24/7/365 venture. How do the words "you may be the only Jesus someone sees today" inspire you to live out your faith? Read More …
Adult Enrichment in 2013 (#0887)
I have the privilege of developing adult educational opportunities at Naples United Church of Christ. These holistic growth opportunities, along with our musical enrichment offerings, are open to our congregation and to the community. The following brochure is a second annual brochure covering many of the events that will occur between Advent 2012 and Pentecost 2013 (for more, read about and view the 2012 edition). I welcome your feedback. Read More …
Marks of Transformed Christians (#0803)
Gordon MacDonald, chancellor of Denver Seminary, recently shared a list of twelve outward signs that an individual follower of Jesus is maturing or being transformed (Leadership Journal, Summer 2012, p.31-34): Has an undiluted devotion to Jesus Pursues a biblically informed view of the world Is intentional and disciplined in seeking God's direction Worships, and has a spirit of continuous repentance Builds healthy, reciprocal human relationships Knows how to engage the Read More …
Rethinking Teaching Online (#0741)
Margarita A. Mooney, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Faculty Fellow in the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina, recently blogged about her experience with rethinking how best to teach online. She writes: . . . I have flipped the order in which I present material to students and it definitely captured their attention better than before. I used to assign heavy readings, give a lecture, and then Read More …
Are You Ready? (#0734)
While some people are more adventurous than others, most spend the majority of their time and energy in the "everydayness" that comprises most of life. In youth, adventure means setting aside all that is to fully be something and/or somewhere else. As people age adventure becomes, quite frankly, less and less adventurous. Big plans tend to come in the form of vacations or temporary variations from the norm. In short, people become increasingly risk averse. So Read More …
Future Church – More About Following (#0700)
Church v.2020 - Ten Changes: #8 More About Following – Less About Membership When compared with the American church of 2012, the future church (v.2020) will focus more on following and less on membership. This shift places the emphasis on following the way of Jesus rather than being a faithful member of a local church. Toward this end, likely changes include: An approach to belonging and deepening individual's connection to the faith community that values assimilation into a Read More …