The rise of the nones (those people claiming no religious affiliation) has been a popular topic of conversation since well before I started this blog in 2009. As one who has long been involved in leadership positions within so-called organized religion, I find this ongoing shift has significant implications for Christian communities of faith. Earlier this month the Public Religion Research Institute shared the latest statistic: 22% of American adults are now nones. There are, Read More …
America’s Most Charitable Cities (#1483)
The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently published its annual "How America Gives" special report. It includes information about the most charitable large cities (only the 50 largest metropolitan areas were considered) in the United States based on how much people within the city give to charitable causes. Within this list: only 2 cities had giving rates of 5% or greater, 7 of the top 10 cities had higher giving rates in 2012 than in 2006, and the bottom half of the cities Read More …
New $130 Million Church Campus (#1040)
First Baptist Church of Dallas is about to celebrate the opening of its new 500,000 square foot campus. The new facility cost $130 million, which is "believed to be the largest church building campaign in modern history." The celebrations will include: March 24 - lighting of the cross tower and fountain, March 31 (Easter) - grand opening, and April - a special guest or musician each Sunday as a way of celebrating God's faithfulness. The new campus is a "re-creation, Read More …