Merry Christmas from Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Arlington, Texas. Sermon My Christmas message, “Merry Wordmas” is based on John 1:1-14. Given the more informal nature of the Christmas Day service, the sermon was not recorded. You can, however, read the manuscript. Excerpt If you are like most people when you think of the Christmas story you remember it a lot like the children presented it in this morning’s video.[1] This version of the story is set in Read More …
Advent Lutheran Church
Newsflash! A Savior is Born (#2183)
Merry Christmas Eve from Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Arlington, Texas. Sermon My message, “Newsflash! A Savior is Born” is based on Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20. You can watch the message below or read the manuscript. Excerpt In Luke’s birth narrative he shifts quickly, telling us in one verse about Jesus being born before shifting in the next to deliver a birth announcement. And this is where the angels and shepherds appear.[1] Let’s travel there now. Read More …
Is This On Your Christmas Playlist? (#2182)
This morning we continued the: Advent at Advent – Waiting and Wondering series. at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA). Sermon My message, “An Unexpected Song" is based on Luke 1:39-55. You can watch the message below or read the manuscript. Excerpt The last two Sundays, we’ve talked a lot about God choosing John. John the less than qualified. John the Prophet. John the eccentric wilderness preacher. And, now we find God has chosen Mary. Mary the young woman, likely a Read More …
Joy! Do What?!?!? (#2180)
This morning we continued the: Advent at Advent – Waiting and Wondering series. at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) Sermon My message, “Do What?!?!? is based on Philippians 4:4-7 and Luke 3:7-18. You can watch the message below or read the manuscript Excerpt John’s message begins with a fiery introduction but is carried along by questions. Those in the audience interrupt him again and again with the ancient equivalent of the modern day “do what?!?” This questioning Read More …
Pay Attention! (#2175)
This morning on the occasion of the start of a new church year and the first Sunday of Advent, Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA).started a new series: Advent at Advent - Waiting and Wondering. It is the first series I'll be preaching in this community of faith that is guided by the lectionary. Sermon My message, “Pay Attention is based on Jeremiah 33:14-16 & Luke 21:25-36. You can watch the message below or read the manuscript. Excerpt in both the Old Testament reading and in Read More …
My First Year as an Ordained UCC Minister (#2166)
One year ago today I was ordained to ministry in the United Church of Christ and installed as the CEO of White Rock Center of Hope through a four way covenant (for more on that experience from my experiences as a Member in Discernment to the ordination service see My Ordination and Installation). On the occasion of the first anniversary of my ordination, I decided to reflect on some of what this first year included. White Rock Center of Hope I serve as CEO of White Read More …
Living the Stories (#2163)
This morning, on Reformation Sunday, I preached the third message in a series based on Debie Thomas’ new book A Faith of Many Rooms: Inhabiting a More Spacious Christianity (Broadleaf, 2024).Today, we focused on story. Sermon My message, “Living the Story” was based on Jeremiah 31:31-34, Romans 3:19-28, and John 8:31-36. Story You can watch the sermon below or read the manuscript. Excerpt I know many of you came to church this morning expecting me to say something Read More …
Struggling with S Words (Sin & Salvation) (#2161)
This morning I preached the second message in a series based on Debie Thomas’ new book A Faith of Many Rooms: Inhabiting a More Spacious Christianity (Broadleaf, 2024).Today, we focused on sin and salvation. Sermon My message, “Struggling with S Words” was based on Romans 6:1-14 and Mark 2:13-17. Sin and Salvation You can watch the sermon below or read the manuscript. Excerpt Let me begin with a big philosophical question: What problem does religion solve? Notice I said Read More …
Doing Life Together (#2158)
This morning I preached the fifth and final message in a series based on Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (revised). Today, we focused on the practice of intentional faith development. Sermon My message, “Doing Life Together” was based on Acts 2:42. Intentional Faith Development I preached from this manuscript. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Scripture lesson begins at 16:22 and the sermon begins at 17:30). Excerpt Maybe Read More …
Going All In – Responding with Extravagant Generosity (#2157)
This morning I preached the fourth message in a series based on Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (revised). Today, we focused on the practice of extravagant generosity. Sermon My message, “Going All In” was based on Mark 12:41-44. Extravagant Generosity I preached from this manuscript. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Gospel lesson begins at 23:58 and the sermon begins at 25:00). Excerpt Given our cultural tendency to love Read More …