Sermon Text: Philippians 2:1-11 Sermon Excerpt I grew up in a saint-free world. While I went to church every Sunday, I don't recall any real mention of the saints. The little I knew of the saints, I learned from my Catholic friends. I assumed that saints were their domain. My childhood memories are not incorrect, but they certainly don't tell the whole story. After all, we find ourselves gathered this day in a Protestant church celebrating All Saints' Day. Is Read More …
Is Youth Group Biblical? (#1223)
The National Center for Family-Integrated Churches is currently surveying people about their views of youth groups. The three question survey will remain open through November 8. So What? Cast your vote now. How did you answer the first question? (Are church "youth group" programs a biblical way to reach young people?) Does your congregation have a youth group? If so, what do you understand its role to be? If not, do you believe your congregation should consider starting such a Read More …
Adult Enrichment – 2014 (#1222)
Earlier this week, Naples United Church of Christ's third annual adult enrichment booklet was published. I invite you to check it out below. If you happen to find yourself in Southwest Florida, please consider attending one or more of the events. This year's educational offerings include Diana Butler Bass, Lauren Artress, and Ted Coiné. So What? The 2014 edition is the third annual adult enrichment publication at Naples UCC. The idea for this format started in 2011 Read More …
A Call to Weirdness (#1221)
Recently Beverly Duncan, Interim Associate Minster at Naples United Church of Christ, wrote an article in the Naples Daily News titled "Dare to be Weird." Since her piece focuses on the call for Christians to embrace weirdness on this popular holiday, I wanted to share her wisdom with you today. Duncan writes: In our culture today we keep letting ourselves be pulled into media escapism and ghoulish fascination with the kinky and the weird that can get us too far off the Read More …
Wisdom for Boys (#1220)
For those that do not regularly speak to teenagers, opportunities to give talks to those in this age group can prove especially challenging. On the occasion of preparing to give an extended presentation to a group of teen aged boys, Roger Olson shared a working outline. Among his list of ten items are it’s good to be a boy—and a man, they need to ignore the stereotypes of “manhood”—whether those come at them from their male peers or from the media or anywhere, and they Read More …
Review of Pastrix (#1219)
Meet the Author Nadia Bolz-Weber is the founding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, a Lutheran (ELCA) mission church in Denver, CO. Bolz-Weber is known for her non-traditional appearance and approach. She is the author of two books: Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television (2008) and Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint (2013). Prior to attending seminary and entering the ministry, Read More …
Technology, Millennials, and Faith (#1218)
Over the last 10 years, the Barna Group has interviewed 27,140 Millennials in 206 studies. Earlier this month, they released a few infographics displaying what their research finds with regards to how technology is impacting the faith of Millennials (also known as Gen Y - generally considered as those born in the 1980s through the early 200os). One of the newly released infographics shows how Millennials are integrating technology and faith. Just how widespread the integration Read More …
Sermon: Being and Making Disciples (#1217)
Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20 Sermon Excerpt Earlier this week, I read an article about the big shifts in the global religious landscape. This piece offered many significant facts based on the Pew Research Center's recent comprehensive demographic study of religion in over 230 countries and territories. Their research finds that 84% of all people in the world today practice a religion. Christianity is the world's largest religion, and it is a majority religion in 157 Read More …
A Divided Christianity (#1216)
Marcus Borg is professor emeritus in the philosophy department at Oregon State University, where he was the Hundere Chair in Religion until his retirement in 2007. He is also the only author to ever make my top ten books of the year list in consecutive years (2011 and 2012). Recently, he joined Patheos. In his introductory post explaining who he is and what he will be blogging about, Borg explains the reality of what American Christianity is today: My (and our) Read More …
Things We Don’t Do Anymore Due to Technology (#1215)
Technology is transforming our lives. The following infographic offers a list of 50 things we don't do anymore because of technological advancements. Courtesy of: Mozy So What? Take a few minutes to review the list. How many of these 50 activities have you stopped doing at some point in the last ten years of your life? Are there any outdated activities your church continues to do that should be updated or replaced by something else because technology has created a new Read More …