As online worship grows in popularity, churches are increasingly tasked with struggling with significant theological issues relating to this new way of being present (virtual presence) in worship. One obvious area in need of consideration is communion. More specifically, can Holy Communion / Eucharist / Lord's Supper be a part of an online worship experience? While independent congregations are free to decide the matter for themselves, most congregations who are affiliated with a Read More …
Review of Incorporation (#1233)
Meet the Author Will Willimon spent twenty years as Dean of the Chapel and Professor of Christian Ministry at Duke University before serving as a Bishop in the United Methodist Church from 2004-2012. After completing his work as bishop, he returned to his role as Professor of Christian Ministry. Willimon is the author of over sixty books including two best sellers: Sinning Like a Christian: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Thank Read More …
I Am-Ness (#1232)
Ron Buford served as the lead architect of the United Church of Christ‘s (UCC) Still Speaking campaign, which began in 2002 (more here). He was the keynote speaker for the fall gathering of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ (Nov. 9, 2013). Buford's presentation focused on the theology of the Still Speaking campaign and included multiple powerful remarks about the I Am-ness of God. The two such comments that resonated most powerfully with me are: Read More …
Sermon: The Jesus Creed (#1231)
Sermon Text - Mark 12:28-31 Sermon Excerpt Every semester I teach a survey course in world religions at Hodges University. While most students are fascinated to learn about a new religion every week, they tend to find the pace challenging. When we reach the eleventh week of the term, many breathe a sigh of relief since it is the week we consider Christianity. Many of my students, perhaps like most of you, feel confident they know Christianity better than any other Read More …
Mainline = Vintage? (#1230)
For as long as I have been in ministry, people have been talking about whether or not the historic term mainline should continue to be used. While earlier conversations about reform tended to offer options of old-line or sidelined in addition to retaining the longstanding mainline moniker, recent conversations have pushed for more updated titles with relevance to the contemporary situation. Last month I participated in Cathy Lynn Grossman's poll, which invited people to vote for a new Read More …
Church Building Trends (#1229)
Carol Pipes, editor of Facts and Trends, wrote a piece in that magazine's Fall 2013 edition on church building trends. She explored several significant trends, including designing for context, multi-use worship centers, larger gathering spaces, fewer classrooms, and remodeling existing facilities (p.24-26). So What? Perhaps the most important shift of all is with regard to how size will be viewed in the future. Pipes writes, "Small is the new big in the future." Read More …
A Progressive Seminary First (#1228)
Recently I wrote about the changes made by the Association of Theological Schools that allows seminaries to offer accredited Master of Divinity degrees comprised of coursework that can be completed 100% online. Chicago Theological Seminary is now marketing that they are "the only progressive seminary to offer an accredited MDiv completely online." So What? For the future of seminary education to change as a result of going online, such an education must be available for would be students Read More …
Common Pastoral Struggles (#1227)
Philip Wagner knows that "being a pastor is hard work." With this in mind, he recently wrote about the six most common struggles pastors face: criticism, rejection, betrayal, loneliness, weariness, and frustrations and disappointments. So What? Wagner encourages pastors to stay the course, reminding his readers that "persistence is powerful." The reality of these struggles also suggests that pastors should establish (and keep!) healthy boundaries, and Read More …
Review of Catching Fire, Becoming Flame (#1226)
Meet the Author Albert Haase is a popular preacher in both Catholic and Protestant churches, a teacher of spiritual formation and spiritual direction, and the co-host of the weekly radio show, "Spirit and Life." Haase is the author of eight books on popular spirituality, including Instruments of Christ: Reflections on the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi (2011), The Sacred Moment: Becoming Holy Right Where You Are (2010), and Living the Lord's Prayer: Read More …
Leaders Let Go (#1225)
Scott Williams, author of Church Diversity: Sunday the Most Segregated Day of the Week (2011 – read my review here) and leadership guru, recently shared an important leadership truth: "If you want to be a leader, you must learn to let go." So What? Williams rightly recognizes how frustrating it can be when someone in a leadership position is unable and/or unwilling to let go of things (e.g., details, leading to micromanaging behavior) or of people. Real Read More …