For as long as I have been in ministry there has been discussion about how best to reform the Sunday School experience for children. I spent many months doing research on this topic nearly a decade ago as a part of my doctoral work. I continue to be intrigued by and appreciative of those who are on the front lines of innovating this important ministry of faith formation. Day Smith Pritchartt's recent blog post is one great example of how a congregation might choose to replace the Read More …
Scribalishess (#1304)
I enjoy discovering new blogs. When I encounter people's listings of their favorite blogs or compilations of the best Christian blogs I tend to click through and browse each site. Most of my discovery consists of becoming familiar with well established blogs. While I hope to continue that exploration, I also want to connect with new bloggers and to encourage you to do the same. Susan Pigott is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Hardin-Simmons University. I had the Read More …
American Morality: 1987 & 2014 (#1303)
CNN recently conducted a poll of American morality similar to the one conducted by Time Magazine in 1987. When the statistics are placed side-by-side, one can see significant signs of change over the past 27 years. Overall: In 1987, 7 out of the 8 actions surveyed were considered by the majority of Americans to be morally wrong. Now, only 3 of the behaviors are thought to be morally wrong by a majority (being married and having sex with someone else, cheating on taxes, and Read More …
The 1 Minute Worship Service (#1302)
Gold Hill Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation in Butte, MT that averages just over 130 people in worship each Sunday morning. Their pastor's one minute worship service (January 12, 2014) has gone viral. It took less than a week for the video to reach 1 million views. So What? Timothy Christensen's announcement was initially misunderstood by many as having been the full worship experience. In the days since, numerous corrections or updates to blog Read More …
Sermon: All In (#1301)
Sermon Text: Mark 12:41-44 Sermon Excerpt Presbyterian minister Scott Hauser recently shared a list of things that many American Christians often love more than God. His list includes items many may dismiss, but perhaps should not: football, beauty, and technology. It also contains items that some may be more willing to admit often become like gods – at least for a season: the American way, attention, and safety. Whether or not your complete list would look similar to Read More …
BYODD to Worship (#1300)
BYODD (Bring Your Own Divine Device) may become the acronym of choice at many houses of worship. Jeff Brumley's recent Associated Baptist Press article, "Divine Devices or Digital Distractions," provides a hopeful, realistic look at the increased use of smart phones and tablets in worship services. Not only are fewer congregations banning the use of such devices during worship, but many are being intentional about encouraging their use for looking up Bible verses or sharing Read More …
Effective Church Leaders (#1299)
Justin Lathrop - founder of (now Vanderbloemen Search), Oaks School of Leadership, and - recently shared a top ten list of characteristics of effective church leaders that was created by Hillsong Church for its staff members. That list includes: being a can-do person, delegating but never dumping, having an attractive spirituality, serving with gladness, and empowering others. So What? Expectations matter. When your nominating Read More …
Fastest Growing Group (#1298)
D.J. Chuang, former Leadership Network Director for Asian-American Churches, recently co-authored an informative presentation for church leaders focused on the fastest growing group in the United States: Asian Americans. Some of the many significant facts within that document are less than 5 years ago Asians overtook Hispanics as the largest immigrant group entering the United States, by 2011 over 18 million Americans self-identified as Asian American and the number is projected to Read More …
Benefits of Church Task Forces (#1297)
In addition to standing Boards and Committees, many congregations form task forces or other temporary working groups to manage specific projects. Jenni Catron, Executive Director of Cross Point Church (Nashville, TN), recently shared a list of some of the positive outcomes of these temporary teams. Her list includes: the hierarchy is flattened, new relationships are formed, and great leaders emerge. So What? While Boards and Committees have important roles to Read More …
Making Church More Fun (#1296)
Michael Lukaszewski, CEO of The Rocket Company, recently shared a list of five ways to make church more fun. His list includes: let someone with a sense of humor write your bulletin, relax during the welcome, and involve fun people. So What? Worship should be serious, but it should also be engaging and have elements that many would label as "fun." When you think of the typical service of worship in your congregation, would you ever use the word "fun" to Read More …