In recent months I have had more conversations than ever before about the continued rise of the nones (the increase in the percentage of American adults without formal religious affiliation). While there is plenty of data out there showing that the percentage of nones is increasing (for example:"America the Religiously Diverse" and "Rise of the Nones") it doesn't answer the number one assumption I hear: as people age they become more religious. This assumption sounds logical and Read More …
Learning from Diana Butler Bass (#1330)
After two years of planning, the big weekend finally arrived. Naples United Church of Christ welcomed Diana Butler Bass for our annual weekend lecture series. This year's theme was chosen to compliment Valentine's Day weekend: "The Romance of Faith." At the kick-off lecture on Friday night, Diana spoke on "The God Who Woos." She reminded us that our faith is supposed to be a romance, suggested that we consider our teaching of sexuality not as stop signs (what not to do) Read More …
Pastoral Prayer: Love (#1329)
I wrote this pastoral prayer for today's worship services at the Naples United Church of Christ. This unique service is the conclusion of a three day weekend event, "The Romance of Faith," which featured Diana Butler Bass. For this service, her sermon title is "The Journey of Love," and text is Song of Songs 8:6-7. In the tradition of this congregation the pastoral prayer includes a call to prayer, silent prayer, and then the pastoral prayer. The call to prayer connects all Read More …
America the Religiously Diverse (#1328)
Last week's graphic of the week from the Public Religion Research Institute is titled America the Diverse. In the days since it was posted, I have returned to it several times and referenced it in multiple conversations. So What? The information contained on this graphic isn't news to those who follow generational trends. It is, however, important data for congregational leaders to consider as they plan for the future. Currently, I serve two mainline congregations comprised Read More …
Experiential Intimacy (#1327)
Phyllis Tickle's latest book, “The Age of the Spirit: How the Ghost of an Ancient Controversy is Shaping the Church,” is near the top of my stack of books I hope to read soon. In a recent interview about this book with Jonathan Merritt, Tickle shared that the trend is toward a "greater experiential intimacy" with the Holy Spirit. Tickle says: Additionally, we’re seeing a need to experience the Spirit everyday and a belief in the accessibility of the Spirit. Most Christians 100 Read More …
Goodbye 1980s (#1326)
I don't remember when I was last in a Radio Shack. I do know it has been well over a decade since I last shopped there. As such, I am not in position to know just how significantly they have evolved to meet the changing demands of the marketplace. I did, however, enjoy watching their Goodbye '80s commercial during the Super Bowl. So What? As I reflected on this commercial, I couldn't help but reflect on the parallels between the mainline/oldline/sideline church and Radio Read More …
Starting Well (#1325)
On his first day as the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella sent an e-mail to all employees that asked and answered several key questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Why are we here? What do we do next? So What? Starting well is essential whether leading a multi-billion dollar business, a congregation, or a team/group/committee. Nadella's questions are ones that church leaders need to address. While doing so on the first day of a new position may not always be possible, doing Read More …
Marketing, Mission & Money (#1324)
Last weekend First Congregational Church (Winter Park, FL) welcomed Cameron Trimble and Michael Piazza of the Center for Progressive Renewal. They led a workshop for leaders from churches across Florida focused on marketing, mission and money - three of the most challenging issues facing the church today. While I was unable to attend, I benefited from it by reading some of the quotes Sarah Lund, Regional Minister of the Western Region of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Read More …
It’s Time to Contribute (#1323)
Aaron Loy, founding pastor of Mosaic Lincoln (Lincoln, NE), recently blogged about some of the really bad reasons people use to justify leaving a church. In explaining his first reason, "I'm not being fed," Loy reminds readers that church should not be primarily about being a religious consumer. To leave a church because you’re not getting "enough" is a cop out. Your primary call in the church is to contribute, not just to consume. As a Christian, you shouldn’t require spoon-feeding for Read More …
Sermon: An Extravagant Welcome (#1322)
Sermon Text: Hebrews 13:2 Sermon Excerpt A few weeks ago at the Board of Church Life and Growth, Sheila invited those present to participate in an imaginative activity. Then, a few days ago, she led the deacons through a similar exercise. Both groups were tasked with imagining an ideal worship experience. Each person wrote down what he or she envisioned, and then we shared our thoughts with the group. Most of the ideas focused on the worship service itself. People Read More …