I have been in more than a few meetings this year when someone at the table said "people don't volunteer like they used to" or "we just don't have enough volunteers." Churches should be about helping every member (as well as every active participant!) be engaged in ministry. Creating a congregational culture that promotes volunteerism doesn't happen by chance. Phil Bowdle, creative arts director at West Ridge Church (Atlanta, GA), recently shared four ways his congregation Read More …
Reasons Not To Sing (#1430)
Thom Schultz, co-author of Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore and the director of the film When God Left the Building, recently shared his list of four reasons why fewer and fewer people are singing during worship services: worship is crafted as a spectator event, quality is emphasized, professional music is incredibly loud, and musical selections are unfamiliar, hard to sing, or just cheesy. So What? Schultz concludes his article with a confession: he has stopped Read More …
Who REALLY Attends Church? (#1429)
Over the last 10 days I have seen at least a few dozen different articles or blog posts talking about the gap between who says they attend church and who actually attends. The sudden focus on the topic is a result of a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, which was release on May 17. More specifically, the latest inquiry finds that people are more honest about the topic when asked in an anonymous online survey than when asked by phone. Interestingly, three Read More …
Commencement Wisdom (#1428)
Graduation season has arrived. Whether you are attending a commencement ceremony this year or not, you can benefit from a the wisdom of over 300 of the most notable commencement speeches ever given in the United States (1774-2013). This incredible resource was compiled by NPR. The Dalai Lama's remarks at Tulane last year made the list as did 26 other 2013 speeches. In his speech, the Dalai Lama said I heard you mention your own state and your own nation – that’s wonderful and Read More …
Sermon: Another Opportunity (#1427)
Sermon Text: Luke 13:1-9 Sermon Excerpt I can assure you that the saying “everything is bigger in Texas” is true when it comes to Christianity. A Christianity Today cover story concluded, “Dallas . . . has more megachurches, megaseminaries, and mega-Christian activity than any other American city.” Travel back with me to my world in the 1990s. I was living in Arlington, Texas – just outside of Dallas and Fort Worth. The area was very much as Christian as I am making it Read More …
Going Trash Free (#1426)
Justin Vrany has operated his restaurant - Sandwich Me In (Chicago, IL) - for the last two years without creating any trash. More specifically while the average restaurant produces 8 gallons of waste an hour, he produced that amount over two years but then watched it disappear when an artist fashioned it into a sculpture. So What? Every congregation I have ever served has encouraged members to live more green lifestyles. Ideally, congregations not only educate about Read More …
Southern Baptist Decline (#1425)
Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant tradition in the United States, are in decline. They have lost nearly 1 million members over the last decade yielding a membership of just under 16 million. Conversion has always been an essential reason for growth in this Evangelical denomination. Since peaking in 1999, the number of baptisms conducted each year has declined by 25%. So What? Emma Green, associate editor for The Atlantic and author of the article I linked to Read More …
Google Glass Goes to Church (#1424)
Chris Yaw is an Episcopal priest and the founder of ChurchNext, which creates online Christian learning experiences to invigorate lives and congregations. Recently he wore Google Glass during mass in the congregation he serves: St. David's Episcopal Church (Southfield, MI). For the benefit of those of us who have never had such an experience he shared parts of his experience via a blog post and also shared video. So What? When Google Glass becomes available to the masses at Read More …
Attracting Millennials (#1423)
Aaron Earls recently shared six reasons why many congregations fail to reach Millennials: not online, too inward focused, not trustworthy, not diverse, too institutional, and don't offer real community. So What? Overall, I think Earls' list is helpful but incomplete. The number one reason I find congregations don't reach Millennials is because they don't make reaching this generation a priority. In fact, I have been a part of conversations this year in which Read More …
1 in 4 = Anti-Semitic (#1422)
A recent research project involving over 50,000 respondents from over 100 countries and territories representing nearly 90% of the world’s adult population finds that 1 in 4 (26%) adults are anti-Semitic. Currently rates of anti-Semitism vary widely. Rates are highest in the West Bank and Gaza (93 %), Iraq (92%), Yemen (88%), and Algeria (87%). Rates are lowest in Laos (0.2%), Philippines (3%), Sweden (4%), and the Netherlands (5%). Here in the United States, Read More …