TED is "is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading." TED conferences "bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less)." Writing for Mashable, Sarah Kessler shares the story of how recordings of these talks have now been viewed 500 million times: When Director of TED Media June Cohen shopped around the idea for a television show featuring lectures from the organization’s famously elite Read More …
Never Complain About (#0411)
Jon Acuff, author of Stuff Christians Like (2010) and Quitter (2011), recently blogged about complaining. In that post he shared his past personal experiences of complaining about various aspects of church life, before learning how unhealthy his perspective had become. In contrast, he suggests a better way for members and active participants to respond to areas of church life they see as less than ideal: then I learned a pretty powerful truth about church volunteers that forever Read More …
Half Way Through 2011 (#0410)
I spent a great deal of time in my youth on soccer fields. While no two games were the same, we always paused at the midpoint for half-time. During the half-time break the coach helped us evaluate our performance during the first half and offered recommendations for what we needed to do in the second half. Unfortunately there is no national half-time holiday each year to remind us to stop and assess our performance and consider what changes we need to make in the Read More …
The Stages (or not) of Grief (#0409)
In the June 28, 2011, edition of the Christian Century, Thomas G. Long contributes an article that questions the wisdom of the idea of well defined stages of grief. Over the last generation, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) gained widespread acceptance and led to the creation of a "cottage industry of bereavement counselors and grief managers" (p.35). Drawing on Ruth Davis Konigsberg’s new book The Truth About Read More …
America’s Best Read Cities (#0408)
Across the country book stores have been closing their doors as more and more people opt to purchase their reading material online. Amazon has secured a seemingly ever increasing share in the market and has begun to leverage this new position. Recently, Amazon announced its list of America's "Most Well Read Cities," which is based on "sales data of all book, magazine and newspaper sales in both print and Kindle format" for the calendar year to date for "cities with more Read More …
Your Congregation’s Connection to a Denominational Brand (#0407)
Matt Carlisle, founder of Big Heart Design, a web and social media strategy consultancy located in Nashville, TN, recently blogged about the relationship of local congregation's to their denominational brand. He writes: If your church is part of a denomination, your congregation more than likely has used church-wide logos or branding statements to promote your ministry. From the logo printed on business cards to the sign in the front lawn, most American churches are identified largely Read More …
No Vacation Nation (#0406)
Rebecca Ray and John Schmitt's report for the Center for Economic Policy and Research, "No-Vacation Nation," explores how different America is from the rest of the world's industrialized countries when it comes to vacation: The United States is the only advanced economy in the world that does not guarantee its workers paid vacation. European countries establish legal rights to at least 20 days of paid vacation per year, with legal requirement of 25 and even 30 or more days in some Read More …
Random Act of Kindness Or Not? (#0405)
WAY-FM provides listener supported Christian radio in multiple communities throughout the United States, including Southwest Florida. Like most stations, they engage in a significant amount of programming. One such appeal has captured my attention: Drive Through Difference. The local station has encouraged its listeners to participate in this endeavor on multiple occasions with the most recent being held yesterday on June 24. According to their description, participants are Read More …
Church Communication – from Print to Social Media (#0404)
Dave Travis, Managing Director of Leadership Network, recently interviewed DJ Chuang, a web and social media coach, on the topic of how churches use social media: What are the biggest challenges for churches? [ and how do you help solve them] One of the biggest challenges for churches large and small is to get church communications to flow more rapidly. Social Media is practically instant, yet much of typical church communications is developed for a weekly event or produced over weeks and Read More …
Adjusting Expectations (#0403)
In an article published by the Associated Baptist Press, Amy Butler, senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington D.C., suggests that parishioners' expectations about church are often unrealistic. She writes: I’m thinking specifically about the yawning divide between church members’ expectations and the reality of living in community. What is it really like to be the church, the gathered community of Christ? You know, the place where everybody loves each other, Read More …