Roger Olson is an evangelical scholar who serves as Professor of Theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University. Recently he blogged about several unhelpful continuing education experiences in his thirty-one years teaching in higher education. One workshop, focused on communication and teaching, unsettled Olson: . . . the over riding message left me dazed and confused: “If they have not learned, you have not taught.” Huh? No amount of Read More …
A Healthcare Challenge (#0851)
Faith and Health recently posted Teresa Cutts' interview of Dr. Augustus A. White, Professor of Medical Education and Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School. White is the co-author of Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias in Health Care (2011), which considers "the largely hidden yet massive injustice of bias in medical treatment." The following excerpt from that interview offers a real challenge to religious leaders: What are your thoughts on Read More …
Unlearning God (#0850)
Jon Acuff recently blogged about his realization that "God is not who I thought he was," which has led him to new experiences of "unlearning God." So What? Our images of who God is develop over time. In honest exploration, it is often appropriate and helpful to unlearn or set aside some aspects of our prior understanding. What about God are you currently seeking to unlearn? Read More …
Refusing a Handshake (#0849)
Within church life, many congregations include a time of greeting/welcome during the worship service. During that time participants are encouraged to talk to one another, and many include friendly handshakes in those interactions. In recent years, however, an increasing number of people have opted out of the handshaking or any type of physical contact during these moments of fellowship. This trend is most noticeable during flu season. So What? Whether invited to pass Read More …
Review of Sacred Ground (#0848)
Meet the Author Eboo Patel is the founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core, a nonprofit that seeks to make interfaith cooperation a social norm. He is the author of Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation (2010), and is a regular contributor to the Washington Post, USA Today, and the Huffington Post. He served on President Obama's inaugural Advisory Council of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Read More …
Less Generous Than We Think (#0847)
According to the Science of Generosity Survey, self-reported data about how much people give to religious causes is significantly inflated. While roughly 25% stated they tithed (gave 10% of their income) to charity, actual giving records revealed that just 3% gave 5% or more to charity. And, not only do people have exceedingly favorable self-impressions, many are anything but generous: only 57% of respondents claim they gave more than $25 in the past year to charity. So Read More …
Praying for Our Nation (#0846)
Jena Lee Nardella offered the benediction on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention. Nardella is the co-founder and Executive Director for Blood:Water Mission, a nonprofit focused on overcoming the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. While the full text of her prayer is worth reading, the middle portion focused on the opportunity available to all Americans over the next nine weeks is especially powerful: I pray for our country in the next nine weeks leading up Read More …
Facebook, Retirees, and Church (#0845)
Robert Saler, Research Fellow and administrator with the Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, recently blogged about how his experience as a pastor of a congregation comprised primarily of retirees challenged his assumptions about their use of social media. As a younger pastor, he entered the parish assuming that leveraging Facebook as a part of the congregation's ministry would require heavy lifting by young adults. In his Read More …
The Gospel in 7 Words (#0844)
The September 5, 2012, edition of the Christian Century includes an article entitled "The Gospel in Seven Words." A few of the many submissions follow: We are the church of infinite chances -- Mary Karr God through Jesus Christ, welcomes you anyhow -- Martin E. Marty We are who God says we are -- Nadia Bolz-Weber (p. 20-25) So What? Articulating one's faith or significant components of such briefly is challenging, but important work. The contributor's to the article Read More …
Flat Earth & Creationism (#0843)
On CNN, William Sanford Nye (better known as Bill Nye the Science Guy) recently compared teaching creationism to teaching that the earth is flat. He suggested that tax dollars should not be used to forward either claim under the guise of science education. More specifically, when asked about the harm of children learning the biblical creation story, he answered: "Learning the story is fine. That's great. It's not science. Tax dollars used for science Read More …