Richard H. Gentzler Jr., director of the Center on Aging & Older Adult Ministries at the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church, recently presented a new comprehensive plan for "Older Adult Ministries." Citing the rising numbers of American adults aged 65 or better, Gentzler's plan focuses on "leadership training and resourcing" in three key areas: The “new seniors”: how to minister to Baby Boomers, who are now joining the ranks of older adulthood. By Read More …
Dignity, Respect, Gentleness & Love (#0901)
Bill Tammeus, a Kansas City area author and religious blogger, recently offered practical wisdom that is worth reading often and living daily: All the great religions teach that we should treat people with dignity, respect, gentleness, love. And with good reason. All of us are fragile. All of us in one way or another are trying to handle the various -- and sometimes vicious -- curveballs life has heaved at us. So What? The way of Jesus is love. As a follower of Jesus, what Read More …
Unitarian Universalism is Growing (#0900)
Unitarian Universalism grew by 15.8% from 2000 to 2010 (in the USA). During that same time period, most progressive religious denominations experienced decline. While many factors are likely involved in this recent expansion, Bob Smietana mentions a few ways this group differs from many others: Unitarian Universalists would rather be kind than right. Instead of a common theology, Unitarian Universalists have a set of common values. So What? Unitarian Universalism Read More …
Teens & Sleep (#0899)
Understanding the Zombie Teen's Body Clock may sound like a Halloween challenge, but is actually the title of Sue Shellenbarger's recent Wall Street Journal article exploring just how different the adolescent sleep cycle is from that of childhood or adulthood. Zombie teens experience a "biological 1-2-3 punch:" Puberty creates a median 1.5-hour delay in the body's release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. The buildup of the need to sleep as the day wears on, Read More …
The Only Jesus (#0898)
I have heard people with widely divergent theological perspectives utter the same message on many occasions: you may be the only Jesus others see. In the parish I serve, the senior minister often challenges the congregation to live into this truth. So What? For those who follow the way of Jesus, the quest should be a 24/7/365 venture. How do the words "you may be the only Jesus someone sees today" inspire you to live out your faith? Read More …
Review of Selling Water by the River (#0897)
Meet the Author Shane Hipps is a second career pastor. This portion of his journey started after working as a strategic planner in advertising. Hipps served as lead Pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church (2005-2010). He is now nearing the end of his time as teaching pastor at Mars Hill (2010-2012). Hipps is the author of two books: Selling Water by the River (2012) and Flickering Pixels (2009 - my review) as well as the co-author of The Hidden Power Read More …
Football, Jesus, and Ninja (#0896)
Football, Jesus and ninja sound like words that might be associated with some form of a youth group game. In fact, I may have played a modified version of ninja football on a retreat years ago. Interestingly, these words can be found on the list of the 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2012. So What? Reality check. Apparently many people still don't take security seriously. How else could the #1 most popular password be "password"? Also appearing on the list Read More …
Removing the Cross (#0895)
Louisiana State University recently shared an image of the Painted Posse in the school's e-mail newsletter that has generated significant controversy. Rather than using the original image, the school shared an edited image that removed the small cross painted on each man's chest. When questioned, the following explanation was offered: We don't want to imply we are making any religious or political statements, so we air-brushed it out. Later, the University reversed Read More …
Tomorrow’s Church (#0894)
Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity After Religion (read my review), recently sat down with Chris Yaw (check out my conversation with Yaw on mainline decline) to discuss what the church of tomorrow will look like. This fifty-five minute conversation is a rich resource for those who care about the church, and want to better understand what the church will look beyond an era dominated by conventional religion. She cites research that shows belief in God has fallen from 99% Read More …
Winning a Re-Tweet Award (#0893)
Earlier this month I attended the 18th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning. When I checked in at the registration area, I was pleased to see an advertisement for a Twitter contest. The instructions were simple: the tweet using the conference hashtag (#aln12) that received the most retweets would be win the contest. Since I planned to tweet, I kept the flier. With nearly 3,000 people attending the conference, I didn't think I would be a Read More …