Meet the Author Michael J. Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, where he has taught political philosophy since 1980. Sandel is best known for his undergraduate course, "Justice," which is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on public television. His accompanying book on the topic, Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do (2009), is an international bestseller. Additionally, he is the author of Read More …
Thankful America Is Not a Christian Nation (#0921)
On this Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful that America is not a Christian nation. Parker Palmer, a best selling author, regularly dispenses incredible wisdom in his writings. In a Huffington Post Thanksgiving article, Palmer shares why he is "grateful that America is not and cannot be a Christian nation." More specifically, he argues that historical and present-day reality clearly show that America is not a Christian nation: Lack of a government established Read More …
I Need a Miracle (#0920)
"I Need a Miracle" is the title track on Third Day's latest album: Miracle (released November 2012). The chorus is a powerful reminder that at some point in life everyone needs a miracle: Well no matter who you are And no matter what you've done There will come a time When you can't make it on your own And in your hour of desperation Know you're not the only one Prayin' "Lord above, I need a miracle" I need a miracle So What? An unofficial theme song of American culture might include Read More …
Safety is Not a Virtue (#0919)
John Richardson, communications director at Generous Church, recently blogged about how the Christian faith calls adherents to step away from a life of safety and security. After quoting Craig Groeschel, Erwin McManus, David Platt, Francis Chan and Jesus, he summarizes the big idea thusly: Here’s the problem with playing it safe - safety is not a virtue in the Kingdom of God. Instead, the Gospel calls us to the exact opposite: a radical departure from the “safe” Read More …
Review of Shaping the Journey (#0918)
Meet the Authors Richard R. Dunn and Jana L. Sundene both have experience as professors and in parish ministry. Dunn is lead pastor at Fellowship Evangelical Free Church (Knoxville, TN), and formerly served as chair of educational ministries at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Sundene serves on the leadership team of the Vine Christian Community (Long Grove, IL), and is associate professor of Christian ministries at Trinity College. Book Basics Given the limited Read More …
Danger of Thinking Small (#0917)
John Ortberg is the Senior Pastor of the 4,000 member Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and the author of multiple books on spiritual formation. In the Fall 2012 edition of Leadership Journal, he wrote an article entitled “Our Presumptuous Calling,” in which he challenged followers of Jesus to live into that calling by living out the Great Commission in big and bold ways. Ortberg cautions all followers, but especially pastors and ministry leaders, to avoid Read More …
A Challenging Question (#0916)
Kathy Vestal recently asked a question that many avoid, yet one which should be addressed directly on a regular basis by those who seek to follow the way of Jesus: Are we following the Church’s teachings more closely than we follow Jesus’ teachings? So What? In an ideal world, perhaps one would simply assume the teachings of the church and those of Jesus would be identical or overlap so significantly that any attempts to differentiate the two would seem artificial. In Read More …
Baptists & Communion Confusion (#0915)
According to a new survey conducted by LifewayResearch, 96% of Southern Baptist (SB) churches have more inclusive communion practices than are allowed by their denomination's faith statement. The latest edition (200o) of the Baptist Faith and Message Statement lists baptism and church membership as prerequisites for Communion / Lord's Supper / Eucharist. According to the survey, 96% of SB allow non-members to participate and 65% allow those who have not been baptized to Read More …
Review of Everyday Heroes (#0914)
Meet the Author and Photographer Katrina Fried is senior editor and associate publisher at Welcome Books, where she has worked since 2001. During her time at Basic she has written, edited or produced over a dozen books offering "unique visual narratives that push the boundaries and traditional limitations of illustrated books." Paul Mobley is a photographer with extensive training and an impressive client list including American Express, Sony, Citigroup, Ford, Compaq, Gourmet, Max Read More …
More Miracles? (#0913)
David Briggs, columnist for the Association of Religion Data Archives, recently wrote an article for the Huffington Post on the increasing belief in miracles. According to a new study, "the number of Americans who definitely believe in religious miracles increased 22 percent in the past two decades, with 55 percent now certain of this supernatural phenomenon." Astonishingly the same research finds, "four in five Americans believe miracles definitely or probably occur." So Read More …