What do pastors of growing churches have in common? Cynthia Woolever finds three commonalities: Age. While pastors of all ages shepherd growing churches, those in their 50s are most likely to do so. Career Path. Statistically first career pastors are more likely to lead a growing church than are second career pastors. Tenure. Pastors with longer tenures are more likely to lead growing churches. So What? Reviewing the profile of pastors of growing churches the most Read More …
People Are Driving Less (#0951)
In recent years America has experienced a decline in the number of miles people are driving. More specifically, adjusted for population, following a few years of decline in the total miles driven current levels are now at roughly the same level as we were in 1995 (17 years ago). Additionally, the data for the latest year recorded shows a decrease of nearly 9% from the peak. So What? As I pondered this data, I immediately thought of my own driving habits. I drive Read More …
Most Popular Posts of 2012 (#0950)
In order, the five most popular posts made on sowhatfaith.com this year are Top Church Websites Review of Christianity After Religion The Future Church v.2020: 10 Shifts Football, Jesus, and Ninja Plate or Plate Free? So What? When I first started blogging, I paid a fair amount of attention to statistics related to readership. More recently, I have gone months at a time without looking at any numbers. If you are a regular reader, let me know if any of the posts on the Read More …
Religious Rockstars on Twitter (#0949)
Christina Chaey recently placed the following people on her list of religious rockstars on Twitter: Pope Benedict XVI (@Pontifex) Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) Joyce Meyer (@JoyceMeyer) Jesse Jackson, Sr. (@RevJJackson) Reverend Run (@RevRunWisdom) Rick Warren (@RickWarren) Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (@RabbiShmuley) So What? My immediate response to reading this list was to see how many of the religious Read More …
A Growing World (#0948)
Global population passed the 7 billion mark recently (either last year or this year, depending on who is counting), and continues to grow. While reaching the 7 billion mark generated significant conversation, it seems to be forgotten by most now as other national and global issues prove more pressing or of greater personal interest. Nonetheless, it remains important for people of faith to be aware not only of our current population, but of just how recent a development the population Read More …
A New Multi-Site Model (#0947)
Teddy Ray is pastor and preacher for the Offerings Community and the Executive Pastor of 1st United Methodist Church in Lexington, KY. Recently, he wrote about the dramatic growth in multi-site churches and provided an explanation of how his church's approach differs from the traditional multi-site models. Multi-site congregations are a relatively new idea. Ray mentions the years multi-site congregations in the USA reached significant numeric milestones: Read More …
Review of Today We Are Rich (#0946)
Meet the Author Tim Sanders is a popular keynote speaker, consultant to Fortune 1000 companies, bestselling author, and CEO of the Los Angeles tech start-up Net Minds. Previously, he was the Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo, as well as its Leadership Coach. Sanders has written several previous books, including the New York Times best seller Love is the Killer App (2003). Book Basics Tim Sanders masterfully weaves together his own life lessons, the wisdom of his grandmother Billye, Read More …
11.7% (#0945)
As the number of mobile internet capable devices increases, people are spending more and more of their online time on these devices. In 2012, "Americans will spend about 11.7% of their daily media consumption with mobile devices." The chart at right illustrates the significant rise in non-voice use of mobile devices since 2009 in comparison to other media consumption. Notably, mobile has experienced an increase greater than that of any other media. So What? Last Read More …
Restoring Perspective: A Prayer (#0944)
Yesterday a 20 year old man chose to use a gun to do harm to others and to himself. Today 27 people are dead, including 20 children and the young man who is responsible for the deaths. While many have opted to use social media to forward a specific political or theological agenda rather than to address the tragedy directly others have called any conversations about those matters inappropriate. Regardless of personal preference or perspective, prayer is an appropriate and Read More …
Review of Red Letter Revolution (#0943)
Meet the Authors Shane Claiborne is a founder of The Simple Way, a New Monastic community in inner city Philadelphia that has helped to birth and connect radical faith communities around the world. He "writes and travels extensively speaking about peacemaking, social justice, and Jesus." Claiborne is the co-author of several previous books, including The Irresistible Revolution (2006 with Jim Wallis), Jesus for President (2008 with Chris Read More …