Zone Alarm recently posted an important infographic: The Secret Life of the Online Teenager. While more than 4 in 5 teens use social media and more than 95% of all teens are confident in their ability to stay safe online, the details of their online behavior offer parents, educators and other caring adults reasons to monitor the online actions of teens. More specifically, 69% openly reveal their physical locations 32% of teen girls and 24% of teen boys chat with strangers Read More …
Review of Misreading Scripture (#0971)
Meet the Authors E. Randolph Richards is dean of the School of Ministry and professor of biblical studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, FL. Previously he served as a professor at Ouachita Baptist University and at Williams Baptist College. Prior to his work as an educator, he served as a Southern Baptist missionary stationed in East Indonesia. He is the author of Paul and First Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition, and Read More …
Self-Appraisal Statement (#0970)
My understanding of who I am is shaped more by following the way of Jesus than any other factor. I strive to live the love of neighbor Jesus taught by embodying an ever-widening inclusiveness of the circle of those I count as neighbor. My academic preparation for Christian ministry in schools affiliated with three traditions, varied roles in parish ministry in congregations affiliated with four additional denominations, and interactions with those in the wider family of faith through Read More …
Remaining Relevant (#0969)
Justin Lathrop, executive search consultant at the Vanderbloemen Search Group, recently suggested five ways churches can remain relevant: Leverage the strengths of church networks Engage social media Expand online offerings, including worship services Consider the possibilities of strategic church mergers Welcome the diverse population of the community So What? Many of the items on Lathrop's list focus on structural matters: the possibility of belonging to multiple Read More …
Endless Options (#0968)
Barry Cooper, director of product development at Christianity Explored Ministries and a part of the team planting Trinity West Church, wrote an article on the false God of endless options in the January/February 2013 edition of Christianity Today. In this piece he suggests that we have opportunities to choose from nearly endless options whether in life's larger choices like choosing a college major or in everyday decisions like ordering at Starbucks. As a result many people have Read More …
Review of God is Alive And Well (#0967)
Meet the Author Frank Newport is Editor in Chief at Gallup. Before joining Gallup, Newport taught sociology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, was news director and talk show host at KTRH Radio in Houston, and was a partner at a market research and public opinion research firm in Houston. He is the co-author of two books and the author of Polling Matters: Why Leaders Must Listen to the Wisdom of the People (2004) and God is Alive and Well: The Future of Read More …
Religious Hope for 2013 (#0966)
Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, senior religion editor for the Huffington Post, recently shared how his experiences interacting with religious leaders offers him hope for the future. Rather than attempting to capture the vast wisdom of these leaders in a short blog post, he allowed over forty religious leaders to share their hopes for 2013. Three that were especially meaningful to me follow: For the New Year: may we believe deeply without despising difference; hope extravagantly Read More …
2012 in 4 Minutes (#0965)
2012 was quite a year. The following video reviews the year's big news stories in 4 minutes. So What? As we near the end of the first week of 2013, I encourage you to remember many of the significant events of 2012 especially those that impacted you. Share a few of the stories featured in the video recap that impacted you the most. Share a few of the most memorable moments from your own life experiences in 2012. What word or phrase best describes your experience of 2012? Read More …
Shifts in Young Adult Protestantism (#0964)
The graph at right illustrates the shifts in young adult (ages 23-35) Protestant affiliation between 1972 and 2010 as compiled by Lifeway Research using data from the General Social Survey. Overall, during the "last 30 years, mainline protestantism is dying, black protestantism is steady, and evangelicalism is growing." More specifically, among young adults: Mainline Protestantism declined dramatically: identification dropped from 24% to 6% while worship attendance was cut in half Read More …
Top 10 Religious Stories of 2012 (#0963)
According to members of the Religion Newswriters Association (he world’s oldest and largest professional association for journalists who write about religion), the top 10 religious news stories of 2012 are U.S. Catholic bishops lead opposition to Obamacare requirement that insurance coverage for contraception be provided for employees. The government backs down a bit, but not enough to satisfy the opposition. A Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey shows that “nones” is the Read More …