Meet the Author Michael Belote is an engineer who has always been intrigued about blending his interests with his faith since becoming a born-again Christian as a young adult. More recently, he has written prolifically about his Christian faith on his blog: Reboot Christianity. Book Basics I rarely read, and even more infrequently review, self-published books. Occasionally, however, the content of an author's request for a review or the unique nature of her/his writing Read More …
So Many Dwindling Congregations (#1012)
The cover story of the January 2013 edition of The Lutheran is "Shrinking Church," an article focusing on the pragmatic issues of decline within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). To substantiate the problem, Nicole Radziszewski notes the following statistics about the ELCA: In 2010, almost 30% of congregations had an average worship attendance of fewer than 50 people. From 2003 to 2011, average weekly worship attendance dropped 26%. From 2009 to 2010, Read More …
Relax & Be Productive (#1011)
I can't recall the last time someone suggested that I "relax and be more productive." In fact, generally accepted wisdom is that in order to be exceedingly productive one must be hard at work as often and for as long as is possible. Data from recent studies, however, suggests that productivity is enhanced by getting adequate sleep at night, taking naps during the day, going on vacations, and working in 90-minute bursts rather than for long uninterrupted sessions. So What? Tony Read More …
Friendly Churches (#1010)
In small congregations it is easy for long timers to recognize newcomers. In very large congregations, including megachurches, no one knows everyone. While these contrasts may suggest that smaller size is correlated to more friendly congregations, research has shown that how first time guests perceive their experiences is based on far more than just size. Faith Perceptions work finds that, overall, the most effective congregation sizes for positive first time guest experiences Read More …
What Would You Die For? (#1009)
A week ago today, I reviewed Not Less than Everything: Catholic Writers on Heroes of Conscience from Joan of Arc to Oscar Romero (2013). A few days after writing that piece, I received a request from Duane Arnold to take a look at what he and others are doing through "The Martrys Project." The project has released a CD featuring prayers from a “great cloud of witnesses” from across the centuries and around the globe and include Oscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a child from Read More …
Review of Occupy the Bible (#1008)
Meet the Author Susan Thistlethwaite is a Professor of Theology at the Chicago Theological Seminary, and previously served as the institution's president from 1998 and 2008. She is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, serves on the Boards of the Center for American Progress and the Interfaith Youth Core, and writes a weekly column for the Washington Post. Thistlethwaite's previous books include of Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Read More …
Praise Songs = ? (#1007)
I appreciate a variety of music styles in general and in worship. I do not, however, like praise songs that are little more than a musical excuse to repeat a few lines over and over again or sound like something anyone could have written in five minutes or less. The following video makes fun of what can be seen as the worst of so-called contemporary praise songs. So What? Developing a Christian service of worship around a key theme or Scripture in ways that all elements Read More …
Youth Group Memories (#1006)
Jessica Misener recently shared 33 ways you may know you were a part of a youth group during your teen years, including You were so excited your crush was going to the lock-in; You went on a mission trip to Mexico, Guatemala, Haiti, Ghana, Nicaragua, Uganda, or Venezuela; Your parents bought you a purity ring; You prayed at school during "see you at the pole;" and All the concerts you went to gave you the opportunity to sponsor a kid. So What? I was never very involved in a youth Read More …
Valentine’s Expectations (#1005)
A new study from the Washington-based Public Religion Research Institute, conducted in partnership with Religion News Service, provided a number of interesting statistics about Valentine's Day. Spending 49% - less than $50 (including 6% who say they won’t spend anything) 29% - between $50-$100 20% - over $100 Sex (percentage of individuals who say they expect to have sex on Valentine's Day, by religion) 57% - religiously unaffiliated 51% - Catholics 48% - Read More …
Review of Not Less than Everything (#1004)
Meet the Editor Catherine Wolff served as director of the Arrupe Center for Community-Based Learning at Santa Clara University. She is married to Tobias Wolff, an author and professor. Book Basics Not Less than Everything is a one of a kind book that features many voices, including "contemporary journalists, novelists, scholars and poets" (p.5). Each author contributes a single short chapter about a saint -- formally recognized by the Catholic Church or unofficial yet Read More …