Liberty University was founded in 1971 by Jerry Falwell. While the school was well known and grew considerably under his direction, significant growth has occurred in the nearly six years since his death. Over that period of time, the school has doubled its enrollment not once but twice. Nick Anderson's recent Washington Post article explores this reality in-depth while also placing the school's current size in context. Notably: Current enrollment of 74,000 Read More …
You Never Know (#1033)
This past Friday Cleophus J. LaRue, Francis Landey Patton Professor of Homiletics at Princeton Seminary, spoke to a group of Southwest Florida clergy. While much of what he said was helpful, one quote was particularly memorable: "We never really know the next big thing just around the corner that will change our lives." So What? We are challenged to live well each and every day. While we can and should plan for the future, we must remain flexible and humble Read More …
Healthier Congregational Budgets (#1032)
A new study conducted by the Indiana University School of Philanthropy and Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at Indiana University School of Philanthropy, in partnership with the Alban Institute, the National Association of Church Business Administration (NACBA), Indianapolis Center for Congregations, and MAXIMUM Generosity finds that congregations are starting to recover financially after multiple consecutive challenging years. The research shows: Nearly two-thirds of churches Read More …
Ministry IQ (#1031) is a site overseen by Todd Rhoades and Matt Steen that seeks to connect church leaders with up to date information on what has happened "in ministry in the last month." One of the tools they have developed is a Ministry Current Events Quiz. You can complete the March 2013 version in just a few minutes. So What? As I took this month's quiz, I realized that this survey focuses on Evangelical stories, especially those featuring well known Read More …
Educational Debt – BS (#1030)
When I initially encountered Greg Henson and David Pohlmeier's new infographic on what incoming seminary students bring with them, I found myself gravitating toward the financial data. The data used to generate the graphic comes from surveys completed by 6,900 incoming students at 161 ATS schools during the 2011-2012 school year. Among the findings: 51% of all incoming students enter seminary with educational debt (the image at right shows the debt load of Read More …
Review of Why Priests? (#1029)
Meet the Author Garry Wills joined the faculty of the history department at Northwestern University, and currently serves the university as professor of history emeritus. He is the author of nearly forty books, including multiple bestsellers and a Pulitzer Prize winner based on his study of Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America. Wills, a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, is an historian who Read More …
Pastoral Stressors (#1028)
Bill Reichart, creator of Ministry Best Practices, recently shared an infographic about the pressures of pastoral ministry. The visual is based on data in Pastors at Greater Risk by H. B. London, Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman. So What? Pastoral ministry is a broad category of ordained ministers with varying responsibilities. Clergy, regardless of the amount or type of higher education they have received, must be mindful of and respond to the pressures associated with Read More …
Lenten Carbon Fast (#1027)
This is the third consecutive year that the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ is shepherding an Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast. Participants or interested parties can register to receive a daily e-mail featuring a "suggested carbon-reducing activity, "including information about how significantly such an action will contribute to carbon reduction. Additionally, the campaign features weekly themes for congregations. All content is available via the Read More …
From 5 Million to 4 Million (#1026)
From 2001 to 2011, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America lost just over 1 million members. More specifically: 2001 Membership: 5,099,877 2011 Membership: 4,059,785 Membership Loss: 1,040,092 or 20.39% So What? The decline of the mainline is a popular topic, yet few are familiar with the dramatic nature of the numeric decline in membership and denominational funding. While the numbers presented here reflect the change in the ELCA, similar decline is happening across Read More …
Review of Jesus is _____ (#1025)
Meet the Author Judah Smith and his wife Chelsea serve together as the lead pastors of City Church in Seattle, WA. Previously, Judah served as a youth pastor for ten years at City Church, a congregation that his mother and father led as founding pastors. Book Basics Soon after taking over as the City Church's lead pastor, Smith launched an incredibly successful, creative, and thought provoking marketing campaign designed to reach the city of Seattle: Jesus is _____. The Read More …