When I was a seminary student, it was understood that the vast majority of students would go on to pastoral ministry in a parish setting. Most of these individuals would spend all of their years in ministry as solo pastors serving smaller congregations. In recent years, the expectations have shifted significantly. Only about half of all recent seminary graduates enter parish ministry. For those who do enter this form of ministry, increasing numbers serve in large, mega, Read More …
Living the Overflow (#1053)
Preparing Nearly everyone knows that more people attend worship in churches on Christmas and Easter than at any other time. Many churches add services to welcome the larger than usual crowds. Regardless of congregational size, most leadership bodies opt to do whatever is possible to make all who come feel welcome (including ensuring each guest has a seat). At Naples United Church of Christ, we opted to take a rather traditional approach by adding: Services - expanding from two Read More …
Doubling of Those Age 65 & Over (#1052)
The United States Census Bureau projects that the number of those living the US aged 65 and over will double between 2010 and 2050. Even when one accounts for the anticipated population growth, a significantly greater percentage of those living in the US in 2050 will be 65 or older when compared to current levels. So What? There continues to be much discussion about how churches will change in the coming decades. How do you believe the doubling of those aged 65 Read More …
An Easter Correction (#1051)
On Easter Sunday I expect a great deal of news focused on the Pope. Given the way Pope Francis has sought to be a different kind of Pope than any in my lifetime, I wanted to learn what he had to say on Easter. In addition to satisfying that quest for knowledge, I also learned of an incredible error in Elisabetta Povoledo's New York Times article: "Pope Francis Calls for 'Peace in All the World' in Easter Message." A correction to the article's final paragraph was posted Read More …
Recent Reading (#1050)
I have written over 200 book reviews on this blog since the summer of 2009. On this the first Monday (some of my regular readers are aware my new book reviews are more likely to appear on Monday than any other day of the week) following Easter, instead of my normal reviews I offer a list of five books I have read recently (listed by rating, on a scale of 5.0). (5.0) The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today by Meredith Gould (2009) (4.5) The Definitive-ish Guide for Using Read More …
The 32% (#1049)
As you celebrate Resurrection, consider that you are a part of the 32%. According to a 2011 study by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, the percentage of the world's population that is Christian has not changed much in the last 100 years: 1910: 32%, and 2012: 35%. While the percentage remains stable, the number of Christians has increased dramatically during that period of time: 1910: 600 million, and 2010: 2.18 billion. So What? While the Read More …
Overcoming Misperceptions (#1048)
Tyler Ward recently shared what he wished he knew before he went to church for the first time. His article is birthed out of his many life experiences, including: growing up Presbyterian, serving as a Baptist youth pastor, living overseas on an evangelical mission, assisting a traveling prophet, serving the poor through a non-denominational ministry, promoting justice with emergents, and launching multiple house churches. Ward's short list of things he wished he Read More …
Healthy Congregations (#1047)
Margaret Marcuson speaks and writes on leadership and works with church leaders nationally as a consultant and coach. Earlier this month, she shared a list of nine indicators of a healthy congregation: Mature leaders, clergy and lay, who know who they are and what they are about in their lives and ministry. Leaders who can articulate their vision and direction. The ability to tolerate difference. Leaders who can take a stand with people (staff or church members) who are Read More …
The Church’s Seven Deadly Secrets (#1046)
Meet the Author Paul H. Jones is Professor of Religion at Transylvania University in Lexington, KY. An ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Jones has written two books: Christ's Eucharistic Presence: A History of the Doctrine (1994) and The Church's Seven Deadly Secrets (2013), and has co-authored two additional texts: The Structure of Religion: Judaism and Christianity (2005) and 500 Illustrations: Stories from Life for Read More …
Affordable Apartments? (#1045)
The National Income Housing Coalition (NIHC) finds a minimum-wage earner with a full-time job can’t afford a two-bedroom apartment in any state in the U.S. This reality is based on rent costs determined by the HUD estimated Fair Market Rent (FMR), and a household budget that allocates no more than 30% of income (of one minimum-wage earner) on housing costs. The group produced a list of just how expensive a two bedroom apartment rental is in each state based Read More …