Meet the Author Ethan Zuckerman is director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and a principal research scientist at the MIT Media Lab. Additionally, he is heavily involved in Global Voices, an organization he co-founded that publishes news and opinions from citizen media in over 150 nations and thirty languages. Previously, he was a leader in the emerging world of technology. Zuckerman founded Geekcorps (a technology volunteer corps that sends IT specialists to Read More …
No Verbal Announcement for ____ (#1133)
At some point during the worship service most congregations include a time for verbal announcements. This content is often reinforced by printed material in the bulletin/worship guide and/or data projected on a screen. While those responsible for the success of just about any and everything that happens on the church campus often desire a verbal announcement, most opportunities simply do not deserve to be highlighted in that manner. Phil Bowdle, Communications Director at West Read More …
Overcoming Consumerism (#1132)
Much has been written about the need for churches to move beyond consumer based approaches to ministry and mission. Philip Nation, Director of Adult Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, recently suggested three different ways to name transition from a consumer approach to a missional one: From window shoppers to community, From gym membership to covenant, and From consumer-shaped bazaar to mission-shaped community. So What? Sometimes it is quite difficult Read More …
Your Church Can’t Ignore (#1131)
Carey Nieuwhof, lead pastor of Connexus Community Church, recently shared a list of cultural trends of significance to churches. His list includes: online as the new default, the death of checks, and declining trust in authority and institutions. So What? Churches cannot live in bubbles. Local congregations must be aware of and adapt to cultural norms insofar as how people live. If people can't experience your church online, are expected to give financially Read More …
CreationSwap (#1130)
If you blog, add content to your church/ministry website, or produce newsletters then you know there is always a need for quality free graphics. While many are familiar with and turn to Creative Commons, there are also a number of Christian based sites. For quite some time, LifeChurch.TV has been a leader in this area through their Open site. More recently I was introduced to CreationSwap, which offers a considerable amount of free content alongside items that are for sale at Read More …
Deaths Outnumber Births (#1129)
Last week the U.S. Census Bureau released population estimates for 2012, including a population decline in non-Hispanic whites. More specifically, for the first time ever the country's dominant racial group experienced "a natural decrease — a straightforward calculation of births minus deaths." So What? Demographers have been commenting on the likely population shift for some time. While the decline in non-white Hispanics last year was a first, it will soon be the norm. What are Read More …
America’s Worst Charities (#1128)
The desire of donors to ensure their dollars are spent wisely has led organizations to become increasingly transparent about their budgets and facilitated the rise in popularity of sites designed to offer clear data about many charities, such as Charity Navigator. Despite the ever increasing access to good information, some charities persist in practices that result in a very small percentage of their income being used to do actual charitable work. CNN partnered with Read More …
Review of Dangerous (#1127)
Meet the Editors Kevin Hendricks is the founder of Monkey Outta Nowhere, and author of Addition by Adoption: Kids, Causes and 140 Characters (2010). His writing has been featured here on So What Faith on multiple occasions, including "Effectively Welcoming Visitors" and "Baptist Dance Party Goes Viral." Chuck Scoggins is a senior partner at the 374 Design Agency where he runs Motion Design Media, a division of the agency focused on Read More …
The End of Marriage? (#1126)
Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, recently wrote a thought provoking piece in the Atlantic about the decline in marriage. The chart at right illustrates the marriage trend from 1940 to present with projections for the possible paths for the future. If nothing changes, presuming the current rate of decline simply continues, marriage will reach 0 in 2042. So What? Cohen rightly notes that the continued rapid decline toward zero is unlikely. He Read More …
Boring Church (#1125)
Anonymous blog posts rarely interest me. Thom Turner recently published an anonymous entry on his Everyday Liturgy blog that is an exception to that rule: "The Boring Church that Loves Jesus." The writer is an active member of a local congregation, and wants that body to thrive. In considering why her/his own church experience is boring, the writer concludes: "It’s boring because the worshipers seem bored." So What? In most congregations more people participate in worship than in any Read More …