Paul Bisceglio, a freelance journalist who edits the literary digital magazine Land that I Live, recently wrote an article in The Atlantic suggesting that social media is changing how people approach death. While the proliferation of social media and increasing use of such to speak about personal experiences with end of life is easily documented, how this shift will impact how people view death and dying is not yet known. So What? As people of faith, we have always viewed death Read More …
Too Many Books? (#1163)
Michael Hyatt is the former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the seventh largest trade book publishing company in the U.S. Additionally, he has worked in the book publishing industry nearly all of his adult life. His own writing has been well received with two of his eight books landing on the New York Times bestseller list. Given his knowledge of the industry, his recent blog post questioning the number of books now being published deserves Read More …
Review of Reinventing Philanthropy (#1162)
Meet the Author Eric Friedman is an actuary, and a first time author. He graduated from Stanford with majors in mathematics and economics. As a young professional, he sought to determine how to maximize the impact of his giving. Reinventing Philanthropy is the result of Friedman's personal experiences and continued study in an attempt to formulate an answer to this question of interest to many donors. Book Basics Reinventing Philanthropy (available later this Read More …
Your Social Media Voice (#1161)
Phil Cooke is a nonprofit marketing guru. He has written numerous books on the topic, including Unique: Telling Your Story in the Age of Brands and Social Media (2012) and Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Non-Profits Make a Difference and Other's Don't (2010). Recently, he suggested that "finding your authentic voice in social media isn’t that different from traditional media." In order to find your voice, Cooke suggests you don’t say things on Read More …
Exercising While Preaching?! (#1160)
I have heard more than my fair share of strange preaching habits over the years, but nothing that I can place in the same category as the exercising preacher. Chris Townsend, pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church (Lodi, CA), believes he is the first pastor to regularly deliver his sermon while exercising. So far he has preached using a yoga ball, riding a stationary bike, and even while walking on a treadmill. So What? Townsend was inspired by members of his congregation to work on his Read More …
The Most Interesting Man (#1159)
While I have never consumed a Dos Equis beer, I have enjoyed many of their commercials. If you have watched much television at all in recent years, you are likely familiar with their very successful The Most Interesting Man series of commercials. Jon Acuff -- a popular blogger and the author of Stuff Christians Like (2010), Quitter (2011) and Start (2013) -- recently reformed the Dos Equis ideal by replacing the actor with Read More …
Cell Phones & Traffic Fatalities (#1158)
Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, recently encouraged his readers to struggle with the topic of cell phones and their role in making the roads a safer or more dangerous place for those traveling in motor vehicles. After mentioning "a powerful new documentary by Werner Herzog is making the rounds (presented by the phone companies), showing the consequences of accidents caused by phone-distracted driving," Cohen goes on to explore what the data Read More …
The Bible in 4 Minutes (#1157)
Chuck Knows Church is an educational resource funded by the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. Every Thursday, a somewhat goofy yet always personable, pastoral and knowledgeable man named Chuck shares a new 2-4 minute YouTube video on a basic topic related to Christianity. The site now features a library of over 40 videos with past topics that include Advent wreath, baptismal font, candles, and doxology. Recently, Chuck provided an Read More …
“All In” Leadership (#1156)
Brad Lomenick, leader of Catalyst, recently shared twelve attributes of what he calls "all in leaders." These leaders are totally committed, and willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. Lomenick's list includes the following attributes: You are trustworthy. 100%. Always with no exceptions. We is much more important than me. If I win, the team wins. If the team wins, I win. You get it done no matter how long it takes. Your intentions and goals are clear. Your Read More …
Christian? Who Knew? (#1155)
Who knows that you are a Christian? According to a LifeWay Research survey of Protestant churchgoers, most Christians believe most people who know them are aware that they follow the way of Jesus. More specifically, in response to the statement "Many people who know me are not aware I am a Christian," respondents replied Disagree: 72%, Agree: 14%, and Neither: 14%. So What? I would be intrigued to know the results if 100 people who have some connection to me were asked Read More …