Mainline Protestantism has transitioned from American's dominant form of Christianity to a mere 18% of the adult population. Many forecast continued decline. Recognizing the issue with the name, Cathy Lynn Grossman is inviting you to take a poll to propose a new name for the mainline, which includes a "dozen church groups . . . including United Methodists, Episcopalians, Evangelical Lutherans, Presbyterians (USA) and American Baptists)." The options she offers are Old Read More …
Sermon: Persisting for the Children (#1203)
Sermon Text Luke 18:1 -8 Sermon Excerpt In both the modern retelling and the original parable, you can't miss the huge power difference between the judge and the widow. The widow has limited resources, limited mobility, and limited options. The judge is supposed to play by the rules but has decided he is above them. The persistence of the marginalized widow is appealing. It is an admirable quality that resonates with readers and viewers alike. They want what she Read More …
US Jews = Less Religious (#1202)
A recently published Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project survey shows that American Jews are becoming less religious. Currently, just over one-in-five Jews (22%) self-identify as having no religion. While the rise in the percentage of Jews who label themselves as not being religious is noteworthy, the generational divide is of even greater significance. The percent of Jews who have no religion increases from the oldest living generation to the youngest Read More …
Christian TV: More & More Irrelevant (#1201)
Phil Cooke is a filmmaker, author, and speaker. Additionally, he is the founder and CEO of Cooke Pictures. In light of the non-response by Christian television to the conflict in Syria, he shared his concern about the growing irrelevance of their product: Christian television continues to grow more and more irrelevant because we refuse to take the time or trouble to address issues that really matter—when they matter. If you work at a Christian station or network, think about it. I’m Read More …
Worship Songs & Copyright (#1200)
Steve Thorngate's "Revise Us Again: Should Churches Alter Worship Texts?" (October 2, 2013 print edition of the Christian Century, also available online) is important enough that its content should find its way onto a committee, board, or other standing leadership body's meeting agenda at every house of worship in America. At issue is the legally and ethically appropriate use of worship songs and hymns, including making modifications to words in order to more accurately convey the theology Read More …
Catholics, Protestants, & Sexual Abuse (#1199)
For the last several years the Catholic church has received considerable attention related to clergy sexual abuse. In reality, such an issue is not confined to the Catholic Church. Boz Tchividjian is a Liberty University law professor, executive director of Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE), and the grandson of Billy Graham. Last week at the Religion Newswriters Association conference he stated that the response by Evangelical Read More …
Reinventing Liberal Christianity (#1198)
Last week I read Theo Hobson's new book: Reinventing Liberal Christianity (2013). It is the sort of work that warrants deeper and more thoughtful consideration than my first read allowed. Since I am not likely to return to it for awhile yet find the content engaging and relevant, I will forgo a book review in favor of a book recommendation. Those interested in a thoughtful and thought provoking exploration of what liberal Christianity (largely Protestantism) is Read More …
Church Social Media Community Building Opportunity (#1197)
Marcus Cylar, itinerant elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, is seeking your help with his Doctor of Ministry project centered around the question: "What are the characteristics and benefits of an effective, life-giving online pastoral support group in a social media setting?" The working title for this project is Examining Social Media's Role in Community Building and Spiritual Formation. Get Involved Marcus is looking for 30 participants of all ages (3 groups of 10) Read More …
Sermon: The Best Sermon (#1196)
Sermon Text Matthew 5-7 Sermon Excerpt I begin in a way I never have before and likely never will again by offering a bold guarantee. I assure you that this morning's sermon will be the best sermon you will ever hear. With this in mind, let us pray . . . As those who seek to follow the way of Jesus, may his wisdom continue to be our guide. Take and use the words I will speak to empower our imaginations, awaken us to new possibilities, and embolden us in our actions. Amen. When Read More …
What Should Pastors Wear? (#1195)
What should pastors wear during worship? Joseph Yoo, pastor of St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Santa Barbara (CA), recently addressed this question in a post titled "Pastor Dress Code." He writes: What is the appropriate attire that a pastor should wear on Sunday mornings? And, is it really that important? Apparently, the issue is much, much bigger than I had ever thought it would be. So What? I found myself spending more time reading the comments than the original Read More …