MacDonald, Gordon. Who Stole my Church? What to do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century. Thomas Nelson, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-8499-2153-7. Meet the Author Gordon MacDonald is a well respected pastor, teacher, and author. In thirty-five years of pastoral ministry, MacDonald's served five congregations. He has been an adjunct professor at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary for many years and is also a sought after speaker. Read More …
Review of Quitting Church (#0006)
Duin, Julia. Quitting Church: Why the Faithful Are Fleeing and What to Do about it. Baker Books, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-8010-6823-2. Meet the Author Julia Duin is the religion editor for the Washington Times. She has a master's degree in religion from Trinity School for Ministry (an Episcopal seminary) and has covered the beat for three decades. Duin has won numerous awards and been nominated twice for a Pulitzer. Book Basics "It's no secret that the percentage Read More …
The Church on Facebook (#0003)
Lenora Rand's article in the June 30, 2009 Christian Century is titled The Church on Facebook: Why we Need Virtual Community. This article helps one consider the role of the online world in creating Christian community. More specifically, what how can facebook be utilized as a resource toward that end. Facebook is a popular social networking site. According to statistics from the site's press room. facebook has: Over 200 million users Over 100 million users who log in at Read More …
Changing Beliefs (#0002)
Survey Says A recent study by the Barna group found that 71% of U.S. adults develop their own religious beliefs rather than accept the teachings of a particular church or denomination. That statistic goes hand in hand with 45% who are "willing to try a new church" and 64% who are "completely open to carrying out and pursuing your faith in an environment or structure that differs from that of a typical church". So What? These statistics suggest that we are living in a Read More …