I never imagined saying a permanent goodbye to a University that deeply impacted me. Today, I take this action for the second time in as many years. Last year, I said Goodbye to Hardin-Simmons University after that University choose a new path marked by dishonesty and that exclude all people who do not wholeheartedly endorse a new and troublingly specific statement of faith. Today, I say Goodbye to Hodges University upon the recent news that it has stopped admitting new students and will Read More …
UCC: 1 Out of Every ____ Americans (#2075)
Most data related to Mainline Protestant decline focuses on one of two measures: Absolute decline (how many fewer members are in the denomination today as compared to a specific year in the past)Percentage decline (how much smaller the denomination has become as understood by expressing the membership decline as a percentage) In this post, I'll consider these before exploring what I find to be a more helpful measurement of decline. This new measure is also an easier way to understand the Read More …
Am I Living in the Most Protestant Place in America? (#2068)
Dallas - Arlington - Fort Worth, Texas (aka the D/FW metro area) has been my home for most of my life. Given D/FW's location, it isn't surprising that the area is more religious than the United States is on average. But, just how religious is it? And, just how Protestant? Most Religious Counties Last month sociologist Ryan Burge compiled a list of the Most Religiously Affiliated Highly Populated Counties in America as defined by the percentage of people in the county who are attached Read More …
Celebrating 14 Years of So What Faith with Popular Posts (#2064)
Thanks for being a supporter of So What Faith - a site where matters of faith that matter are explored and where good questions are always more valuable than easy answers. As a writer, I always wonder if anyone will read my words. For So What Faith, I'm able to answer that question thanks to Google Analytics. Note: Google Analytics as I've always know it is coming to an end. Effective July 1, 2023 a new Google Analytics launches. Given this big change, I decided to run some mid-year Read More …
Daily Blogging – Reflecting on the Discipline (#2061)
I just finished a week of daily blogging. Over the last seven days, I posted once a day: Where’s Greg Worshipping? 8+ Congregations in 3 StatesMy Experiences with 14 UCC CongregationsMidlife & MiD Life: A 9th UpdateMy Religious Traditions Are Missing 8 Million People!The ELCA is Missing 4 Million People!The PC(USA) is Missing 2.6 Million People!The UCC is Missing 1.3 Million People! This routine was quite different from my norm. For the last several years I've averaged writing just Read More …
My Religious Traditions Are Missing 8 Million People! (#2057)
Excepting the four years I spent serving two congregations affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), I've spent my entire life in three religious traditions within what is often called Mainline Protestantism: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (USA), and United Church of Christ. Over the last three days, I've explored one of the underreported aspects in the decades old story of Mainline decline: the decline is worse than it first appears because Read More …
The ELCA is Missing 4 Million People! (#2056)
I deeply appreciate and have personally been involved in the life of the Mainline Protestant denomination known as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Given my prior involvement in this tradition, I strive to tell the whole story of how the denomination has arrived at its present state so that those involved can use this information as they plan for a brighter future. Mainline Decline Much has been written about Mainline decline in general, and about the decline of the Read More …
The PC(USA) is Missing 2.6 Million People! (#2055)
I have spent the majority of my life in the Mainline Protestant denomination known as the Presbyterian Church (USA). Since I've invested so much of myself in this tradition, I strive to tell the whole story of how the denomination has arrived at its present state so that those involved can use this information as they plan for a brighter future. Mainline Decline Much has been written about Mainline decline in general, and about the decline of the Presbyterian Church (USA) specifically. I Read More …
The UCC is Missing 1.3 Million People! (#2054)
I am part of the Mainline Protestant denomination known as the United Church of Christ. I believe that telling our story is a part of how we learn to better understand our present state and better plan for a brighter future. Mainline Decline Much has been written about Mainline decline in general, and about the decline of the United Church of Christ specifically. I am one of the writers who continues to contribute to this growing body of literature. United Church of Christ Read More …
Too Many Ministers in the United Church of Christ? (#2053)
Are there too many clergy in the United Church of Christ? This question deserves real consideration in the context of decline in the United Church of Christ and in Mainline Protestantism more broadly. Thankfully, I've written about Mainline decline for the last fourteen years with a focus on the traditions I know best: United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church (USA). A few examples of Mainline decline more generally are followed by analysis of the decline in the UCC and Read More …