The Disciples of Christ denomination, one of three current expressions of the Restoration Movement, has influenced my faith. I served as Associate Pastor at Central Christian Church in Dallas, Texas and as Youth Pastor at First Christian Church in Garland, Texas. The Restoration Movement (Disciples of Christ, Independent Christian Church, and Churches of Christ) is comprised of those churches that seek to restore the New Testament church. The Christian Read More …
My Faith – Influenced by the Independent Christian Church (#0095)
The Independent Christian Church, one of three current expressions of the Restoration Movement, has influenced my faith. I attended and received my undergraduate degree in ministry from Dallas Christian College, which is affiliated with this movement. The Restoration Movement (Independent Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, and Churches of Christ) is comprised of those churches that seek to restore the New Testament church. Since the early church as pictured Read More …
One Faith – Many Traditions (#0094)
Christian Experience I know several people who have been in the same denomination from birth and who plan to remain in it for the rest of their lives. In earlier generations this pattern was normative, but, as a result of numerous variables, has become atypical. For those in Generation X or Y, the norm is to be influenced by and to participate in multiple traditions. My Journey I am a part of Generation X and have been influenced by many traditions. In the Read More …
Trinitarian Language (#0093)
Trinity Sunday offers those who follow the liturgical calendar an opportunity to consider one of the most widely held Christian beliefs. In a recent article, David Lose, Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, suggests that the place of the Trinity in the local church is changing: " . . . when it comes to the local congregation, I suspect the Trinity is on the ropes. This isn't because the average Christian isn't smart enough to understand the Read More …
Forming/Reforming Educational Ministry (#0087)
Educational Ministry is Changing In recent years, educational ministries in the local church have changed in significant ways. These changes impact not only what is taught, but also when and how. Additionally, there are now a number of ways churches refer to this ministry, including Christian education, discipleship, enrichment, growth, religious education, and spiritual formation. Meet Bruce Stewart Bruce Stewart is a Church of Christ minister who currently serves as Preaching Read More …
Who is Jesus? – Jesus’ Prayers (#0076)
Christians are people of prayer. Many larger congregations have multiple prayer ministries. Many people are regularly exposed to and participate in prayer in a variety of ways - alone and in corporate worship; through prayer lists or chains; as a prayer partner or in a prayer group; or as a student or leader in a class on prayer. While praying is a given, prayer guided by the example of Jesus is often limited to praying the Lord's Prayer or Our Read More …
Who is Jesus? – Jesus’ Parables (#0075)
The Jesus' Parables As I read and re-read the four biblical gospels, I became acutely aware of just how often Jesus spoke in parables. About one third of his teaching took the form of a parable. While the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son are the two most well known parables, there are actually between thirty and forty parables in the gospels. (The exact number not agreed upon since similar material is used by different gospel writers and because there is no universally Read More …
Who is Jesus? – The Jesus Priorities (#0074)
The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits While my own reading of the gospels began to help form and reform some of my views of who Jesus is, it was my encounter with a more comprehensive study that helped me deepen and broaden my thinking. Christopher Maricle's The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits (2007) summarizes his study of the words and actions of Jesus in the gospels in relation to the question: "What did Jesus say and do during his public ministry that would be instructive Read More …
Who is Jesus? – The Jesus Creed (#0073)
As someone who has been involved in churches near both ends of the creedal continuum, I was intrigued to read Scot McKnight's The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others. I approached this book as someone who had served congregations that held the creeds in high esteem and congregations that were non-creedal in practice preferring instead to live by the phrase "no creed but Christ." I am more interested in Christian unity than in finding ways to separate and Read More …
Who is Jesus? (#0072)
Who is Jesus? For the last few years, I have been studying the life and ministry of Jesus in an attempt to more fully answer the question: “Who is Jesus?” My approach has been centered in the text of the four biblical gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. My journey began when I realized that I was, at times, giving answers with great certitude even when such responses were somewhat speculative or lacked adequate gospel foundation. In addition to reading the biblical Read More …