Sermon Text: Luke 12:13-21 Sermon Excerpt Robert and Edward Skidelsky are two academics who happen to be father and son. Together they wrote a book that shares a title with this sermon: How Much is Enough (2012). The subtitle of the book is equally important: Money and the Good Life. So why do I bring this text to your attention? Because the Skidelsky's get it. They are on to something that sounds a lot like the wisdom of Jesus in this morning's parable. In a Read More …
Over-Programming vs Under-Programming (#1544)
Churches excel in programming and many church members (and especially church leaders!) delight in talking about their programming. In many cases the programs are advertised with carefully constructed marketing pieces that present aesthetically pleasing menus of opportunities for prospective participants. The Voice of Experience I have served in several congregations that assumed more was better (also that bigger was better if and when possible). As a lay program staff member in multiple Read More …
Sermon: Your Healing Touch (#1541)
Sermon Text: Luke 8:40-56 Sermon Excerpt Have you heard about people who claim to heal in Jesus’ name by doing very unusual things? Perhaps in flipping through channels on your television you have stopped on a curious sight only to find yourself watching a faith healer in action. Today there are more odd options than ever before. In my own limited quest for understanding I have found one man to be the strangest of all. This so-called man of God is best known for holding what Read More …
Sermon: The Easter Difference (#1538)
Sermon Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Sermon Excerpt Think about how the day begins. The two Mary’s know that Jesus is dead. The future they had been planning for themselves died with Jesus. They were mourning. In the midst of their grief they did the only thing they knew to do; they went where Jesus was. While all four Gospel writers include this story, only Matthew features special effects that would play well to a modern audience, especially on the big screen. One Read More …
Sermon: Parade Participants? (#1535)
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-11 Sermon Excerpt When we think of parades today we tend to think of relatively fun affairs that are a big draw to a wide audience. The media covers them as feel good events that contribute to community spirit. We need to think of this parade differently. Before you decide to accept or reject your invitation to the Palm Sunday parade you need to know that it wasn’t the parade that was happening on that day – in fact, it was “the other parade.” The main Read More …
Sermon: Concert of Prayer (#1533)
Sermon Text: Matthew 6:5-13 Sermon Excerpt The Lord’s Prayer or the Our Father is a model for prayer. While you can pray through it quickly as we do in worship, it is also a rich resource for a slower form of prayer. If you look at the chart I placed in your bulletin you will see that the prayer begins with an introduction and ends with a conclusion. In between, in the body of the prayer, there are seven petitions. The first three focus on God. The final four Read More …
Ignored Announcements (#1531)
Every congregation I have served has included a time for announcements prior to each service of worship (in one parish the timing varied and such would occasionally shift to the end of the service). These verbal announcements are easily ignored and usually ineffective. Recognizing this I have previously shared some best practices, mentioned the 80% rule as one way to cut down the number of verbal announcements, and even passed along a hyperbolic description of announcements as Read More …
Sermon: Titleless (#1529)
Sermon Text: Philippians 2:1-11 (The Message) Sermon Excerpt One day a lion, proud of his mastery of the animal kingdom decided to make sure all the other animals knew he was king of the jungle. He was so confident that he bypassed the smaller animals and went straight for the bear. “Who is the king of the jungle?” the lion asked. The bear replied, “Why, you are, of course.” The lion gave a mighty roar of approval. Then he asked the tiger, “Who is the king of the Read More …
Welcoming Transgender People (#1528)
Almost every local congregation thinks of their community of faith as friendly and welcoming. Open and affirming congregations tend to view their houses of worship as offering an extravagant welcome to all people. In reality, however, both groups often fall short of these ideals. For congregations that strive to welcome all people, Shannon Kearns' recent article is filled with practical insight related to welcoming transgender people. Shannon shares seven questions Read More …
Sermon: The Gift of Children (#1527)
Sermon Text: Mark 10:13-16 Sermon Excerpt In many churches the simplest way to identify which rooms are intended for children and which are reserved for adults is to observe the size of the furniture. Since so many of you are parents and grandparents, I hope you know that children are not miniature adults. Some of the adults here have talked to me about our recent use of many different versions of the Lord’s Prayer. The most common comment is that this variety has led you to Read More …