Lenora Rand's article in the June 30, 2009 Christian Century is titled The Church on Facebook: Why we Need Virtual Community. This article helps one consider the role of the online world in creating Christian community. More specifically, what how can facebook be utilized as a resource toward that end. Facebook is a popular social networking site. According to statistics from the site's press room. facebook has: Over 200 million users Over 100 million users who log in at Read More …
Changing Beliefs (#0002)
Survey Says A recent study by the Barna group found that 71% of U.S. adults develop their own religious beliefs rather than accept the teachings of a particular church or denomination. That statistic goes hand in hand with 45% who are "willing to try a new church" and 64% who are "completely open to carrying out and pursuing your faith in an environment or structure that differs from that of a typical church". So What? These statistics suggest that we are living in a Read More …
Review of So Beautiful (#0001)
Sweet, Leonard. So Beautiful: Divine Design for Life and the Church. David C. Cook, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4347-9979-1. Meet the Author Leonard Sweet is the E. Stanley Jones professor of evangelism at Drew University, was voted one of the 50 Most Influential Christians in America, and continues to write and speak prophetically about the church. An ordained United Methodist pastor, Sweet has authored over 20 books and 600 articles, and is perhaps best known for his Read More …