The Christian Century recently asked several significant Christians to provide their take on the Gospel in seven words or less. Martin E. Marty, Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the History of Modern Christianity in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago, responded as follows: " God, through Jesus Christ, welcomes you anyhow." So What? If you were given just seven words (or less), how would you answer the question: "What's the gospel?" Read More …
Prayers of the People – A Different Approach (#0547)
At Naples United Church of Christ the pastoral prayer follows the same basic pattern each week: Pastor provides a prayer focus and invites people to pray Time of silent prayer Pastor offers the prayers of the people Musical response Yesterday, we chose to do things differently. The Rev. Catherine O'Connell, Associate Pastor, and I co-wrote then co-led the prayers of the people, which included a congregational response. The pattern we used was: Pastor provides a prayer focus Read More …
A Misguided Assumption About College Students (#0546)
The Myth Ron Tanner, writing professor at Loyola University Maryland, recently wrote an article, "The Myth of the Tech-Savvy Student" for the Chronicle of Higher Education's special report on online learning. In this piece he suggests that the media mistakenly portrays today's young people as tech savvy based on the amount of time they spend using technology rather than their competence using it to do real-world professional tasks. Background Perhaps no single text has influenced the Read More …
Economic Well Being: A Generational Concern (#0545)
The Pew Research Center recently published an article exploring the increasing gap in economic well-being between the young (those households headed by someone under age 35) and the old (those households headed by someone over age 65) during the last twenty-five years. The data shows the following shifts: Median net worth grew by 42% for the older cohort while falling by 68% for the younger cohort Median adjusted household income grew by 109% for the older cohort while rising by only Read More …
A Political Explanation for Increased Religious Non-Affiliation (#0544)
Sociologist Bradley Wright teaches at the University of Connecticut. His work has been mentioned on my blog on several occasions, including reviews of his two most recent books: Upside: Surprising Good News About the State of Our World (2011 - my review here) and Christians are Hate-Filled Hypocrites . . . and Other Lies You’ve Been Told: A Sociologist Shatters Myths From the Secular and Christian Media (2010 - my review here). Wright recently wrote about the Read More …
Smartphone Growth (#0543)
According to Nielsen research, a significant percentage of mobile phone subscribers have moved to smartphones during the last year. In fact, the percentage penetration has increased in every age group. So What? 25-34 year olds have the highest smart phone adoption rate of any age group. Over the period analyzed (3rd quarter 2010 through 3rd quarter 2011) their adoption rate rose by 50% from 41% to 62%. 18-24 year olds and 35-44 year olds were close behind those aged Read More …
Communication Tools &The Future of the Church (#0542)
Bobby Gruenewald serves as innovation leader for, which is a congregation of nearly 30,000 who meet at 14 campuses throughout the United States. In this role he "oversees the Digerati, Media Design, and Communications teams as well as the Open, Network and United operations." His innovative leadership, especially with the YouVersion Bible (more on that here), earned him a spot on the FastCompany's list of the top 100 creative people in Read More …
The World’s Most Powerful People (#0541)
Forbes recently released its latest list of the world's most powerful people. Americans and politicians both fared well this year, and an American politician received the highest overall ranking. Rank Name/Title Organization Age 1 Barack Obama President United States of America 50 2 Vladimir Putin Prime Minister Russia 59 3 Hu Jintao President People’s Republic of China 68 4 Angela Read More …
Welcoming Doubts & Questions in Youth Ministry (#0540)
"How to Welcome Doubts and Questions" is perhaps at once the most interesting and most relevant title for a youth ministry blog post that I have encountered in quite some time. The article, written by Youth Specialties staff, list six ways that youth ministry leaders can create an environment that welcomes doubts and questions. This "how to" list fails to mention what I have found to be the most helpful piece of advice on the topic: there are many aspects of the Christian faith for Read More …
There is an App for That (#0539)
The Pew Research Center recently released the results of a survey conducted by their Center’s Internet & American Life Project, which was a national survey of the state of apps culture conducted from July 25-August 26. Among the findings: Half (50%) of all US adult cell phone users now have apps on their phones (up from 42% in April) Three-quarters (75%) of all US adult tablet owners now have apps on their tablets So What? What computing devices American adults use is also Read More …