Debra Haffner is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister who serves as the executive director of the Religious Institute, a multifaith, nonprofit organization dedicated to sexual health, education and justice. Recently she blogged about the results of her institute's study: Sex in the Seminary. The number of schools meeting the criteria to be labeled as "sexually healthy and responsible seminaries" has doubled since 2009. Twenty schools currently hold this Read More …
Testing Out to Earn a College Degree? (#0636)
Decades ago those seeking a college degree either attended classes on a college/university campus or completed correspondence courses. Today degree seekers have an incredible number of options for completing their degrees, especially at the undergraduate level. Even the idea that one either attends on campus or away from campus has disappeared with the advent of blended courses that combine the two. Earlier this week I learned of Excelsior College's new degree Read More …
Renter or Owner: The Mindset Matters (#0635)
Robert Talbert, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Grand Valley State University, recently blogged about the difference between renting and owning. After sharing his own experiences with home ownership and rental, he applies the principle to education suggesting that we all want students to own rather than rent their education. He explains the different approaches thusly: The rental mindset says, I am paying the rent, and as long as I pay, I expect the management to take care of Read More …
From Death to Life – Mainline Decline (#0634)
David Henson recently wrote a guest post on Bruce Reyes-Chow's site suggesting that the best approach to the deathly ill group of denominations known as mainline Protestantism is realistic hope. Henson does not propose a new way forward that will reverse the decades of decline. Instead he suggests that those aware of death's nearness are more likely to act boldly and that for Christians and the mainline there is life beyond death. He ends the article with these Read More …
Is a Master’s the New Bachelor’s? (#0633)
Laura Pappano's "The Master's as the New Bachelor's" is one of many recent articles to note that graduate degrees are increasingly required to enter many fields. The number of masters degrees awarded annually has more than doubled since the 1980s, and is the "fastest-growing degree." The current percentage of the adult population over age twenty-five with at least a master's degree is roughly the same as the percentage of the population holding at least a bachelor's degree in Read More …
Role Reversal (#0632)
Much has been written about the decline of mainline Protestantism in the United States. Between 1960 and 2000 the denominations grouped together as conservative Protestant grew dramatically (+158%) while those grouped together as liberal Protestant (also known as mainline) declined significantly (-49%). As a result, conservative Protestants are now the majority Protestant tradition. So What? In contrast to the significant changes within conservative and liberal Read More …
Review of Religion in Human Evolution (#0631)
Meet the Author Robert Bellah is "a sociologist and a sermonizer, a believer in God and in reason . . His books and essays over five decades have provoked the ire of the Christian right (for economic views some find heretical)." Bellah taught sociology at Harvard University for a decade, then for three decades at the University of California - Berkeley, where he has served as Elliott Professor of Sociology, Emeritus since retiring. Bellah's recent books Read More …
Mobile Phones & Super Bowl Watching (#0630)
A recent poll finds 60% of mobile phone users plan to look at their phone during today's Super Bowl Almost 1 in 3 viewers under age 45 will watch the game with their phone in hand Only 13% who plan to use their mobile device said they will do so during actual game action So What? The Super Bowl viewing experience is increasingly a multi-screen affair. It appears that mobile phone usage (primarily for activities involving data not speech) will peak during commercials and the Read More …
Helping the Poor (#0629)
Bruce Wydick, professor of economics at the University of San Francisco and visiting professor at the University of California - Berkeley, wrote the cover story for the February 2012 edition of Christianity Today. In this piece, he ranked the effectiveness of the most popular ways Christians seek to overcome global poverty. Rather than taking on the task himself, he recruited sixteen researchers to respond to a survey he developed. Each respondent ranked each option Read More …
Pastor, Bishop, or King? (#0628)
Eddie Long has served as pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church near Atlanta, GA since 1987. A few months ago he took a leave of absence after his wife filed for divorce and former members (all male) of his congregation accused him of sexual abuse. Bishop Long, as he is called now by his parishioners, is now back to shepherding his flock. Last Sunday he returned to the spotlight again when a guest speaker, Ralph Messer, proclaimed Eddie Long a "king" in an Read More …