Shawn Murphy, principal consultant at Achieved Strategies and co-founder of Switch and Shift, recently blogged about what is missing in organizations. Murphy suggests, "Too many of our workplaces have become a place where employees plug in, do their work, unplug and go home." In response, he offers a list of ways to improve this all too common situation: Optimism Freedom Paradox Cooperation So What? As an organization, the local church can also become a place where Read More …
Top 10 Most Read Books (#0746)
Jared Fanning recently made an infographic that has been making its way around the web. Fanning constructed the visual using data from a list compiled by freelance writer James Chapman that provides the number of copies each book sold over the last 50 years. So What? Saying that the Bible was the most sold or most read may be true, but understates its dominance. Together the books ranked #2 through #9 would yield a #2 book that would have only half the Read More …
Ministry Job Musts (#0745)
Adam McLane, a Partner at The Youth Cartel and Principal at McLane Creative, recently blogged about two things youth ministers needs to consider in order to retain their current employment: metrics/measurables and donor relations. Speaking bluntly he suggests that by managing these two areas well one can eliminate "90% of the reasons my friends have gotten fired." So What? Like any type of employment, ministry positions involve (or, at least should involve) periodic evaluation. Read More …
Trinitarian Language (#0744)
Long before I knew much about the word Trinity, I regularly heard the classical Trinitarian formulation in worship on a weekly basis: Father, Son, and Spirit. I didn't give much thought to this formulation until I was engaged in my theological studies. In the years since, I have moved away from language that many associate with gender. While I think variety is essential for both practical and theological reasons, I find myself using one formulation more often than Read More …
Review of Viral (#0743)
Meet the Author Leonard Sweet is the E. Stanley Jones professor of evangelism at Drew University and visiting distinguished professor of Evangelism at George Fox University, was voted one of the 50 Most Influential Christians in America, and continues to write and speak prophetically about the church. An ordained United Methodist pastor, Sweet has authored over 20 books and 600 articles, and is perhaps best known for his forward thinking ideas about the church. For Read More …
Life-Giving Wind (#0742)
Earlier today, I had the privilege of preaching a Pentecost sermon based on Acts 2:1-21 at Naples United Church of Christ. Sermon Text Like many of you, I grew up in the church. More specifically, I grew up in one congregation – the First Presbyterian Church in Arlington, Texas. I quickly learned my way around the church – from playground to pew. After attending worship for years, participating in Sunday school, and completing confirmation, I was sure I knew what it meant to be Read More …
Rethinking Teaching Online (#0741)
Margarita A. Mooney, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Faculty Fellow in the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina, recently blogged about her experience with rethinking how best to teach online. She writes: . . . I have flipped the order in which I present material to students and it definitely captured their attention better than before. I used to assign heavy readings, give a lecture, and then Read More …
Fashion Friday (#0740)
Since I lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area for many years, I am no stranger to the strangeness of megachurch pastor Ed Young. Earlier this year, I even mentioned his one-of-a-kind "bed-in" here on Given what I know of him, I am convinced Young is the ideal poster boy for the "bigger is better" and/or "flashier is more fun" model of church. Given such, perhaps one of his latest ventures will equip a new generation of pastors to be more fashion Read More …
A Ministry of Digital Presence (#0739)
Keith Anderson, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Woburn, MA) and co-author of Click 2 Save: The Digital Ministry Bible (2012), recently blogged about the importance of social media for ministry. He writes: As the Internet goes mobile and we spend more time there, the line between our digital and face-to-face lives is rapidly blurring. This integration of our digital and analog lives, whether we choose to embrace or resist it, is changing our lives and, therefore, the practice Read More …
Living in the Happiest Place (#0738)
I have the distinct privilege of living in a happy place. According to a list just released by Coastal Living magazine, I live in one of America's five happiest seaside towns: Kiawah Island, SC Naples, FL Sausalito, CA Lake Bluff, IL Tiburon Bay, CA So What? The list was crafted using a list of the magazine's Dream Towns over the last 15 years and Facebook recommendations. The editors narrowed then ranked this larger list by considering their ranks on the Read More …