For the last three years I’ve hosted and facilitated a weekly small group gathering as part of the Life Group Ministry of Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ.
Last summer we tried something new by choosing our own book and writing our own curriculum. Throughout the summer we explored Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way and Presence by Diana Butler Bass.
This summer we have once again chosen our own book and are creating our own curriculum. We are exploring The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits by Christopher Maricle. Our approach differs from last summer on one significant way: leadership. Last summer I authored the curriculum and led the sessions. This summer we are rotating this responsibility. Each week a different member of the group serves as facilitator.

Blessed by Variety
In this model, each person has the opportunity to develop and lead a lesson and the group benefits from the varied perspectives of the many presenters. Using our first three weeks as an example
- Week 1: discussion format with printed questions for conversation
- Week 2: presentation format with a PowerPoint and prompts for consideration
- Week 3: hands-on learning engaging the artistic side of particpants
Spread the Word
Our topic last night was “spread the word.” It is the same topic I preached about this past Sunday at Advent Lutheran Church (see Called to Live Highly Relational Lives). It’s all about sharing your faith.
Debbie, our presenter, arrived early to set up for the learning experience. She brought table coverings, rocks, paint, markers, paint brushes, paint palettes along with any and everything one might need to turn an ordinary rock into an artistic masterpiece.

The lesson was less scripted than most, but much more relational. She guided us through the process of sharing our stories while encouraging us in our creative processes. And, Debbie also made sure we had some snacks to enjoy.

So What?
These decorated rocks are intended to become a means of spreading the word. Those who created them can use them as they choose to accomplish that task. Some of the proposed ways to do so included
- Placing in a prominent spot in a garden
- Gifting to someone along with a story about the rock’s origin and/or meaning
- Sharing the rock (or even the story of all of the rocks together) on social media
If you are reading this post, then the word is spreading. Don’t be shy about continuing this important work.
Fun fact: I am responsible for the rock adorned with crosses, the word CoH (for Cathedral of Hope), and the current year. As someone who isn’t an artist and generally doesn’t participate in art based activities, I appreciated being invited outside my comfort zone.