I’m delighted to be serving as Interim Pastor at Advent Lutheran Church in Arlington, Texas. This summer we are journeying together through the Jesus Priorities (based on a book with the same title by Christopher Maricle).
My message, “Prayer: Just do It!,” was based on Matthew 6:5-13.

While I relied on this manuscript, I’m aware that I went a bit off script on a few occasions. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Gospel lesson begins at 24:38 and the message at 26:16).
I wonder how you came to be a person of prayer. Did you start at a young age perhaps even before you can remember? Or did you find your way to being a person of prayer later in life?
Personally, I cannot remember a time before I knew about prayer. As a child – long before learning to read – I recall saying a number of prayers again and again. I imagine you know many of them.
Let me test this out with a meal time favorite . . .
God is great, good is good
Let us thank him _____ (for our food).
By His hands we all are fed
Give us Lord our _____ (daily bread).
Very good. Now a bed time classic . . .
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul _____ . . .

So What?
Prayer is an important part of the life of faith. There is no one right way to pray.
To help you engage in this spiritual practice consider Maricle’s wisdom of praying
- simply
- persistently
- alone and with others
As you ponder these possibilities, which feels daunting? which seems most life-giving?
What is one thing you’ve learned about prayer that you’d like to share with others?
Finally, share a prayer request. I’d be honored to pray for you.