This morning, I was a first time guest at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City.
My wife and I attended the 10:30 a.m. service of worship in the sanctuary.

While we have no real links to the congregation, I have considerable ties to the congregation’s denomination – Presbyterian Church (USA) – and, I have mentioned Westminster’s senior pastor here on So What Faith well before he started in this role.
I was raised, confirmed, and preached my first sermon in a Presbyterian (PCUSA) congregation. And, I’ve spent more than half of my life in the denomination. More recently, I’ve been a guest preacher at Northridge Presbyterian Church (Dallas, TX), Eastminster Presbyterian Church (Dallas, TX), and West Fork Presbyterian Church (Grand Prairie, TX).
In 2011, I mentioned Landon Whitsitt here on this blog with a post reviewing his then recently published book: Open Source Gospel: Ten Commandments for the Future of the Christian Faith. His original appearance, however, came a year earlier with a focus on his role as the Vice Moderator of the denomination’s General Assembly.

We saw Westminster’s steeple well before arriving on campus. Then, we located a parking spot in one of the lots near the sanctuary entrance. And, while I didn’t note any exterior directional signage the main entry to the sanctuary was obvious.
Once inside we encountered several people who were arriving along with greeters who were handing out bulletins. Next, we made our way to a pew about two-thirds of the way back on the left side. When we sat down around 10:18 a.m. the sanctuary was mostly empty with perhaps a few dozen early arrivers already seated. Over the next dozen minutes people gradually entered as we had and from two other entry points.
At exactly 10:24 a.m., the organist began playing the prelude and the limited chatter that had filled this sacred space stopped. And, at exactly 10:30 a.m. the service began.

The service of worship was familiar to us with our Presbyterian background, but would have been simple to follow even without such. The bulletin was complete and easy to follow. It also included a section with announcements about upcoming events. Notably, we did need to open a hymnal for the congregational songs since the words were not printed in the bulletin nor displayed on a screen (the latter for obvious reasons since none was apparent in this space).
Since many gathered for worship wore permanent name tags, it made our status as guests more easily noticeable. Those seated around us were friendly and kind. They provided us with welcome during the passing of the peace.
We happened to be present for the final sermon in a series titled, “God is Not Mad.” All elements of this morning’s liturgy, including the sermon, were thoughtfully woven together around the theme of weakness. In both the children’s message and sermon, Rev. Whitsitt clearly communicated God’s presence, love, and provision in the lives of God’s people.

It was a blessing to worship at Westminster today. We look forward to returning in the future.
Westminster is the sixth congregation I’ve worshipped with in 2024. For more of my experiences in a variety of churches, check out
- My Visit to Mayflower Congregational UCC (January 2024)
- Happy New Year! Celebrating Visits to 12 Churches (December 2023)
- My Experiences with 14 UCC Congregations (June 2023)
- Reopening for In Person Worship: 5 Congregations (April 2021)
- Visiting 50+ Churches in Dallas – Fort Worth (February 2019)
- My Visit to Family Church (December 2014)
- My Visit to Next Level Church (October 2012)
- My Visit to Naples Church of Christ (October 2010)