Welcome to the 14th annual So What Faith’s Top 10 Books of the Year. This year I read 90 books published in 2023.
The top ten are listed below in alphabetical order by author’s last name:

- Amy Butler. Beautiful and Terrible Things: Faith, Doubt, and Discovering a Way Back to Each Other.
- Kaitlin B. Curtice. Living Resistance: An Indigenous Vison for Seeking Wholeness Every Day.
- Matthew Desmond. Poverty, By America.
- Uri Levine. Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs.
- Liz Miller. Only Work Sundays: A Laidback Guide to Doing Less while Helping Your Church Thrive.
- Julien C. Mirivel and Alexander Lyon. Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change.
- Beth Moore. All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir.
- Ross Murray. The Everyday Advocate: Living Out Your Calling to Social Justice.
- Jean M. Twenge. Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents – and What That Means for America’s Future.
- William Vanderbloemen. Be the Unicorn: 12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest.
Top Two
The two books on this year’s top ten that had the greatest impact on me are

- Matthew Desmond. Poverty, By America.
- Amy Butler. Beautiful and Terrible Things: Faith, Doubt, and Discovering a Way Back to Each Other.
Both of these books were not only well written, but also intersect with my current ministry. As the CEO of White Rock Center of Hope poverty alleviation is central to my work. And, I’ve spent more than 20 years in parish ministry serving 9 congregations (and was ordained as a UCC minister earlier this year).
Prior Lists
There are so many great books published in recent years. Past editions of So What Faith’s Top 10 Books of the Year are available below:
So What?
With so many wonderful volumes published each year, I’m unable to read them all.
Can you help me out by suggesting other books for consideration or by sharing your favorite books from 2023?