November is a month that invites us to focus on giving thanks.
I, like many Americans, have always gathered at table with my family of origin on or near Thanksgiving. This is a time to deepen connections, give thanks, and enjoy a turkey dinner that includes a large number of sides and desserts.
Friendsgiving: Beginnings
According to Merriam Webster, “Friendsgiving is a blend of friend and Thanksgiving, and it refers to a large meal eaten with friends either on or near Thanksgiving.” Friendsgiving is a relatively new term. The same source explains that it likely originated in 2007.

In 2022, I celebrated my first ever Friendsgiving. My wife and I invited our church small group (aka a life group) we host along with a few other friends and neighbors. She cooked a turkey and we invited everyone to bring sides and desserts to share. Informally around tables folks enjoyed good food and engaged in fellowship that focused on the theme of thanks. People gave thanks for their families of origin and families of choice, for their work and volunteer service, and for moments of particular significance in the year that had just passed.
Friendsgiving: Year Two
This year we once again hosted Friendsgiving. This year the event was limited to our Cathedral of Hope UCC life group and a neighbor who has become an honorary part of that cohort.

And, while much remained the same as in the first year, some things shifted. Once again, we kicked the evening off by circling up to share a bit and begin with prayer and then enjoyed an incredible feast of foods prepared by the participants.

This year, our group’s social coordinators took over turkey duties preparing a delicious entree for all to enjoy.

And our table groups engaged in wide-ranging conversations that included lots of giving thanks, including for the friends who were gathered.

So What?
Friendsgiving is a wonderful new holiday. It offers an unparallel opportunity to set aside some time to gather with friends, enjoy a tasty meal (perhaps centered around turkey), and to give thanks.
I wonder about your experiences.
- If you have been a part of a Friendsgiving, what did you find most meaningful?
- If you have never been to one, how might you help facilitate the creation of such an event for one or more of your friend groups?