I was excited to be able to worship this morning at Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ after missing out the last several weeks to worship with other area congregations that support the work of the faith-based non-profit I serve (for my sermon at St. James Episcopal Church see Preaching Hope or for my message at Eastminster Presbyterian Church see Preaching Difficult Discipleship).

Celebrating 53 Years!
53 years ago something new happened in Dallas. In July of 1970 a group of 12 people gathered in a home to discuss the formation of a new congregation. This set in motion the process that led to the launch of what we know today as Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ. The congregation was founded in the LGBTQ community and was affiliated with the Metropolitan Community Churches until 2003. Since 2006, Cathedral of Hope has been affiliated with the United Church of Christ and has continued to be rooted in the LGBTQ+ community.
Today my wife and I participated in the 10:00 am service (one of four anniversary celebration services held today). It was a joy to hear the Sanctuary Choir, Voices of Hope, and those all around us lift their voices in song; to connect with God’s story through Scripture and sermon (including stories of people of faith from previous generations at Cathedral); to receive God’s love in the form of Holy Communion; and to unite with those gathered by holding lifted hands as part of a sacred-space-wide ritual of unity (a tradition that occurs at the end of each service of worship).
53 years of vibrant, inclusive, and progressive ministry in Dallas has made, is making, and will continue to make an outsized impact here in North Texas and beyond.

Joining as a 30-Something
Cathedral found its way to the UCC in its 30s (officially at age 36). I discovered the UCC in my 30s (officially joining at age 33).
My wife, Susan, and I joined Cathedral of Hope in February 2017 (see Our Search for a Church is Over!). We’ve been deeply blessed by our involvement over the last 6+ years.
About a year ago I wrote a series of blog posts titled God is Doing a New Thing – My Experiences in UCC Congregations. The post about Cathedral of Hope – The Church of Hope – includes the story of how I became a part of Cathedral and my experiences through the first five and a half years of my involvement.
Just a few months after writing that post my life changed when I was violently assaulted while at work (for more on that experience read Surviving an Attack & Living a Hope-Filled Recovery) .
And, then just a few months after that I officially entered (technically re-entered) the discernment process in the United Church of Christ as a candidate for ordination (for more on that check out my latest update – My Ministry in the United Church of Christ – Ordination Update #12).

So What?
There are tens of thousands of stories spanning the last 53 years that illustrate how Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ has encouraged and empowered people on their journeys of faith. Each and every one is unique and important.
I’ve shared parts of the story of how I’ve been encouraged and empowered by Cathedral of Hope. These are just some of the ways this community of faith has inspired me to become more loving, more about hope, and more committed to living into my calling.
Thank you, Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ! May God richly bless your next 53 years of ministry . . . and the next 53 after that . . . and beyond!