We are now roughly half way through 2023 (a point that will officially be reached on July 2). This offers a good reason to reflect on the year thus far, including where I’ve worshipped.
Cathedral of Hope
My home church is Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ. I’ve worshipped there most Sundays. And, even on weeks that I’ve not been able to be a part of the Sunday morning worship experience, I’ve stayed connected through the congregation’s small group ministry. In fact, my wife and I host a weekly group in our home that I facilitate (if you are in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, know that you are welcome to join us for a summer book study of Diana Butler Bass’ Freeing Jesus starting on Thursday, June 29).

I also worshiped in this sacred space as part of the Annual Meeting of the South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Out of State
I’ve been part of worship out of state twice this year.
The first time was for interment of my father-in-law in Shreveport, Louisiana.

The second was for vacation to visit my parents at their summer home in Naples, Florida.

Around Dallas – Fort Worth, Texaas
In March, I served as the guest preacher for two weeks at West Fork Presbyterian Church in Grand Prairie, which is located just a few miles away from my new home.

In April, I was part of a ministry fair at Lake Ridge Bible Church in Mesquite.

Later that month I represented White Rock Center of Hope by serving as the guest preacher at Central Lutheran Church in East Dallas. In 1988, Donagene Christian, then a member of this congregation, founded White Rock Center of Hope.

In May I visited King of Glory in North Dallas to hear a former colleague, Harold Huddleston, preach.

In June I worshipped at St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church in East Dallas. I also had the opportunity to speak about their current hygiene drive on behalf of White Rock Center of Hope and some of the many other ways individuals can get involved in this community ministry.

And, I’m looking forward to wrapping up the first half of 2023 by preaching at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Dallas on June 25. If you are in Dallas, consider yourself invited. Worship begins at 10:55am.