Six years ago today, I joined Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas.

Top 12
As I reflected on the last six years, I re-read all of the many blog posts I’ve written during this time that mentioned Cathedral of Hope. The Top 12 Posts (in reverse chronological order) follow:
- A Story of Stoles: Discerning What Next (January 2023)
- Surviving an Attack & Living a Hope-Filled Recovery (October 2022)
- The Church of Hope (September 2022) [part of a series called “God is Doing a New Thing – My Experiences in UCC Congregations“]
- Today We Grieve (June 2022)
- All Saints & All Souls in a Pandemic (November 2021)
- A Decade in the United Church of Christ (August 2021)
- My First Complete In Person Worship Experience (July 2021)
- Welcome Isn’t Enough (October 2019)
- God’s Doors Are Open To All (July 2019)
- Be the Book (January 2019)
- Prioritizing Core Values (July 2018)
- Our Search for a Church is Over! (February 2017)
So What?
Since 2017, I’ve experienced this congregation faithfully and boldly demonstrating it’s commitment to social justice, effectively and caringly navigating the changing ministry landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic, and nurturing and encouraging me as I’ve made professional transitions and as I’ve entered the Member in Discernment process in the United Church of Christ.
I am grateful for the ministry of Cathedral of Hope., and excited about this community of faith’s future. Yesterday, about 50 leaders gathered to learn together how best to serve. Earlier today, Cathedral of Hope welcomed 51 new members.
I invite you to set aside some time this week to reflect on your experience of your present congregation, and to discern how God is leading you to serve in 2023.