The best new books I’ve read in the last month are

- (5.0) Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy by Anthony M. Annett (Georgetown University Press, 2022)
- (4.5) Freeing Congregational Mission: A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co-Development by B. Hunter Farrell and S. Balajiedlang Khyllep (IVP Academic, 2022)
- (4.5) Invisible Child: Poverty. Survival & Hope in an American City by Andrea Elliott (Random House, 2021)
- (4.5) Closing Costs: Reimagining Church Real Estate for Missional Purposes by Dominic Dutra (Resource Publications, 2021)
- (4.0) God: An Anatomy by Francesca Stavrakopoulou (Alfred A. Knopf, 2021)
- (4.0) Rise: An Authentic Lenten Devotional by John Pavlovitz (Chalice Press, 2022)
- (3.5) Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgment by Mark D. Baker (IVP Academic, 2022)
- (3.5) Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life by Donald Miller (HarperCollins Leadership, 2022)
Terms like “late stage capitalism,” “increasing inequality, and “inflation crisis” have become normative. The future of the global economy and the economic possibilities for all Americans will be shaped by decisions that are being made now and will be made in the coming years. Cathonomics provides a solid foundation for those seeking to better understand the present moment and/or more fully enter the conversation about shaping the future economic systems. Further, Cathonomics offers a robust exploration of Catholic social teaching as a means to develop future possibilities for the common good.