Until March 2020, I took for granted that nearly every Christian congregation would offer a weekly in person worship experience that would include congregational singing and musical worship leadership by a choir, orchestra, and/or a praise band.
Starting in March 2021, I began to learn experientially about the many ways congregations are moving toward a “new normal” or “next normal.” During the first two months Mainline Protestant congregations in the Dallas – Fort Worth area were reopening, I participated in worship in eight congregations.
Nearly all of these communities of faith opted to add back components over time rather than all at once. Sequentially, my “firsts” included
- First Outdoor In Person Service – March 2021 (First Presbyterian Church – Fort Worth, TX)
- First Indoor In Person Service – March 2021 (St. Stephen Presbyterian Church – Fort Worth, TX)
- First Communion Received Directly from a Minister – June 2021 (Trinity Episcopal Church – Fort Worth, TX)
- First Complete Indoor In Person Service with Full Choir and Orchestra – July 2021 (Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ – Dallas, TX)

Moving Music
Since I’ve attended worship at Cathedral of Hope several times since they reopened for in person worship, I expected today’s return of the orchestra and full choir to serve as an inspirational next step in this congregation’s phased reopening. Instead, it offered much more. I was moved beyond words.
The transition from the on-screen countdown in the sanctuary to the orchestra was seamless. And, the first notes of music itself were so different. The experience was at once familiar and yet new. The sounds were so rich, layered, and worshipful that I was immediately in a thin place. (I recognized the same was true for those around me only when the piece ended and nearly everyone rose to their feet with applause.)
So What?
There is no one right or even best way to move toward a next normal in worship. And, I hope no congregation simply goes back to how things were before the pandemic (for more on the needed shifts check out Giving Up the Church I Always Knew).
I’d welcome hearing about your experiences in worship.
- Has your congregation fully reopened, including the use of music in ways similar to pre-pandemic times?
- If your congregation added things back in phases, which of them was most meaningful? felt most forced?
- What is one way you hope the next normal in person worship experience in your faith community will differ from the pre-pandemic experience?
Bonus: Since Cathedral of Hope streams their 10:00 a.m. service of worship each week, you can watch the opening moments of this morning’s service (or even the service in its entirety).