Sermon Excerpt
Everyone loves Christmas, or do they? Just in time for Christmas this year the Pew Research Center released information about how we view the holiday. According to their latest survey, 92% of Americans celebrate Christmas, but there is considerable diversity when it comes to the basis of such celebrations:
- just over half (51%) celebrate it as more of a religious holiday,
- around a third (32%) celebrate it as more of a cultural holiday,
- and about 1 in 10 (9%) – celebrate it as both cultural and religious or didn’t comment on whether they felt it was more religious or cultural.
Many families include people who fit within each of the three categories. Perhaps your own family reflects that type of diversity.
But what about your friends? Your neighbors?
Did you realize that our approach to Christmas differs by generation? The older the age group, the more (read the full manuscript)
So What?
The lectionary readings for Christmas and the following twelve days invite reflection on the Incarnation of God as a human being: “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14a, The Message). Born as a baby, God enters human history and identifies fully with the human condition.
- Was your Christmas more of a religious or secular celebration this year? Explain.
- What has been the most meaningful part of your religious celebration of Christmas this year?