In December 2023, my wife started a new job in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. Since her work requires on site leadership, we immediately became a multi-state family.
We retained our home in Arlington, Texas and rented an apartment in Oklahoma City. Then, a few months later, we purchased a home in Oklahoma City.
I planned to spend at least one weekend a month in Oklahoma. And, on Sunday mornings we expected to visit one of the area Mainline Protestant congregations. That plan worked somewhat well for about six months:
- My Visit to Mosaic Community Church (June 2024)
- My Visit to Trinity Presbyterian Church (May 2024)
- My Visit to Westminster Presbyterian Church (March 2024)
- My Visit to Mayflower Congregational UCC (January 2024)
And, then it stopped working in late June when I agreed to serve as Interim Senior Pastor of Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Arlington, Texas (see Returning to Parish Ministry as Interim Pastor at Advent Lutheran).
In the eight months I’ve served in that capacity and as CEO of White Rock Center of Hope, I’ve been at Advent every Sunday except two. In October I missed one Sunday while flying back from a week of vacation. And, today, I am missing my second Sunday while enjoying a mini-vacation in Oklahoma.
Visiting Our Lord’s Lutheran
This morning, I was a first time guest at Our Lord’s Lutheran (ELCA) in Oklahoma City.
My wife and I attended their sole Sunday morning service, which begins at 10:30 a.m.

Since the congregation’s website is very basic and lacks current information about activities or staff, we chose to attend knowing only that this was a smaller ELCA parish located near our home that is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which worships using a traditional style.
After parking we had followed others inside and were invited to pick up a worship bulletin. Actually, to be more accurate, we were informed that we would need one to fully participate.
As we sat down in a pew and looked through the program, we learned that we had chosen to attend on a day when the pastor was not present. Today four area ELCA congregations engaged in a pulpit swap. Pr. Mark Borseth, Pastor of Resurrection Lutheran Church (Yukon, Oklahoma) preached and presided at Our Lord’s Lutheran.

In addition to being welcomed as we entered by members, we also were greeted by the visiting pastor (before we knew he was the visiting pastor). And, after finding a pew, we were greeted by a few more folks in the six minutes before worship began.
During the passing of the peace some additional folks sought us out, recognized us as newcomers, and offered words of welcome. And, when the service concluded even more people introduced themselves and invited us to join them for a time of coffee and fellowship.
All in all the welcome was warm, genuine, and open. It was not pushy nor forced.

The worship service was very traditional with a liturgy that involved much singing. For someone who has a Lutheran background the service would likely feel comfortable. For those coming from other religious traditions or with no prior worship experience the experience would likely be a bit complex requiring folks to read music, keep up in a multi-page bulletin, and find hymns in a nearby hymnal in order to fully participate.

The music was primarily accompanied by a piano, but also involved a guitarist and a drummer.

Today’s service ended about 65 minutes after it started.
While all present today appeared older than me, I noticed the congregation has a modern playground that appears open to the nearby community.