Somehow I’ve managed to do what I once assumed impossible: become a long-term member of a local congregation. I’ve been part of several congregations for three years and one congregation for four years, however, those medium-term experiences included both church membership and paid service on the church staff. And, in the case of my four years at Naples United Church of Christ not only was I both a church member and a member of the church staff, I was not present for worship on Sunday mornings for nearly half of that time because I was also serving as the Interim Senior Pastor of other United Church of Christ congregations.

Celebrating 8 Years
I have now been a member of Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ for eight years. This is by far the longest I’ve been affiliated with any congregation as an adult.
Over that period of time, my ability to participate in person has waxed and waned as I’ve lived in three cities and worked for five different employers. I have, however, hosted and facilitated a weekly life group (small group) for the last 3 years. Additionally, I served in a volunteer leadership role in the life group program for a season.
While I have attended worship around half of the Sundays over the last eight years, I have not been able to attend for the last eight months since I am serving as the Interim Senior Pastor of a Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA).

I’ve written many reflections on specific experiences of Cathedral of Hope, including:
- Spread the Word! (July 2024)
- Friendsgiving (November 2023)
- 53 Years of Hope: Celebrating Cathedral of Hope’s Anniversary (July 2023)
- My Experiences with 14 UCC Congregations (June 2023)
- Freeing Jesus – Small Group Opportunities & Resources (June 2023)
- Cathedral of Hope – 6 Years & Counting (February 2023)
- The Church of Hope (September 2022)
- All Saints & All Souls in a Pandemic (November 2021)
- Worship In the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020)
- God’s Doors Are Open To All (July 2019)
- Be the Book (January 2019)
- Two New UCC Worship Experiences (April 2018)
- Our Search for a Church is Over! (February 2017)
So What?
I’m thankful for the ministry of Cathedral of Hope. My experience as a member of this congregation has given me considerable insight into the gift of long-term membership is both to members and congregations. And, it has renewed my enthusiasm for local church ministry.

I wonder about your experience.
- Make a list of all of the congregations you’ve attended or been a member of noting the years you were affiliated with each.
- Which was the shortest? Why did this end so quickly?
- Which was/is the longest? How has this experience differed from shorter ones?
- List the top three ways you think long-term membership or ongoing affiliation with a congregation benefits the participant. Make another list of the top three ways you think such a long-term relationship benefits the congregation
- Does your church know how many active participants have been a part of your faith community by length of affiliation? (Example: 35% for 2 years or less, 15% for 3 to 5 years, 15% for 6 to 9 years, and 35% for 10 years or longer).. How has this distribution changed over time? How should this data be used to inform ongoing planning in your church?