This morning we continued the: Advent at Advent – Waiting and Wondering series. at Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA)

My message, “Pay Attention is based on Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:1-6.
You can watch the message below or read the manuscript.
The word of God came to John. And the word of God comes to us.
So, in the final days of the Presidency of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. when Gregory W. Abbot was governor of Texas, when Jim Ross was the mayor of Arlington and the. Dr. Michael A. Evans, Sr. was the mayor of Mansfield, during the time when Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton was Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, when Rev. Dr. Erik K. J. Gronberg was Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, and Rev. Dr. Greg W. Smith was the Interim Pastor of Advent Lutheran Church, the word of God came.
The word of God came to us. To ordinary you and ordinary me.
John prepared the way and now it is our turn to do likewise.
Preparing the way is a countercultural act. It requires our intentional effort. And, it may cost us something. Perhaps just strange looks from our neighbors or being assigned nicknames we’d never choose for ourselves. Or, perhaps something more.
Prepare the way.
Prepare the way with hope, with peace, with joy, and with love.
Prepare the way for the birth of the one who comes as Emmanuel – God with us, God among us, God with skin on.
Prepare the way for the coming of God’s kingdom of justice and peace.
Prepare the way.
Prepare for the arrival of the Prince of Peace knowing that he will invite us to be peacemakers.