The best new books I’ve read in the last month are

- (4.5) Building Belonging: The Church’s Call to Create Community and House Our Neighbors by John Cleghorn (Westminster John Knox Press, 2024)
- (4.5) God Gave Rock & Roll to You: A History of Contemporary Christian Music by Leah Payne (Oxford University Press, 2024)
- (4.5) Rift: A Memoir of Breaking Away From Christian Patriarchy by Cait West (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2024)
- (4.5) Faith: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Trigg (Oxford University Press, 2024)
- (4.5) The Moral Teachings of Jesus: Radical Instruction in the Will of God by David P. Gushee (Cascade Books, 2024)
- (4.0) Call to Allyship: Preparing Your Congregation for Leaders of Color edited by Angela T. !Khabeb (Mouth House, 2024)
- (4.0) A Guidebook to Progressive Church by Clint Schnekloth (Dust Publishing, 2024)
- (4.0) Your Jesus is Too American: Calling the Church to Reclaim Kingdom Values Over the American Dream by Steve Bezner (Brazos Press, 2024)
- (4.0) The Progressives’ Bible: How Scriptural Interpretation Built a More Just America by Claudia Setzer (Fortress Press, 2024)
- (3.5) Market Street Pastor: Ministry Sustainability without Money Stress by Eric Hoke (Resource Publications, 2024)
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One author on this month’s list has appeared previously on So What Faith. David Gushee appeared in 2020 when his then new book After Evangelicalism: The Path to a New Christianity by David P. Gushee (Westminster John Knox Press, 2020) was rated 5.0. He was also featured in 2014 when I shared his definition of vital Christianity.