This morning I preached the fifth and final message in a series based on Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (revised). Today, we focused on the practice of intentional faith development.

My message, “Doing Life Together” was based on Acts 2:42.
Intentional Faith Development
I preached from this manuscript. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Scripture lesson begins at 16:22 and the sermon begins at 17:30).
Maybe it would be easier if we all just dropped out after confirmation. I imagine that in recent years at least a few of my confirmation students have looked at me in the same way I once saw my teacher all those years ago. After all, I spent nearly a decade as an adjunct college professor teaching religion and I stand before you today wearing a robe I’ve most often worn when leading worship in Presbyterian churches.
I am not here this morning, however, to suggest the simplest path for you or the easiest way forward for Advent Lutheran Church. Instead, I seek to reorient us to the importance of the practice of intentional faith development here in this congregation.
So what is this intentional faith formation thing really all about?
A contemporary translation of the Bible puts it this way:
“They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers” (Acts 2:42, The Message).
I invite you to be intentional about spending your time doing the same.