This morning I preached the third message in a series based on Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (revised). Today, we focused on the practice of passionate worship.

My message, “Connecting with God” was based on Romans 12:1-2 and John 4:19-24.

Passionate Worship
The theme was evident well beyond the sermon as the congregation’s Director of Worship and Music Ministries and choir returned after parental leave and a summer break. And, the experience included a harpist, praise team, a string trio, and a musically engaged congregation.

I preached from this manuscript. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Gospel lesson begins at 17:35 and the sermon begins at 18:54).

Let’s go to church! Only, imagine that the year is 1950-something or 1960-something or if you are unable to imagine a time that long ago, 1970-something will do. Back then, for most folks, going to church started at home with wardrobe selection. In fact, back in the day there was a special category of clothing known as Sunday best. Whether you were a child, youth, or adult going to church meant you would be dressing up.
Let’s go to worship! Only now imagine the year is 80-something or 90-something – no, not 1980 or 1990 but rather 80 AD or 90 AD – the time just before the Gospel of John was written. Back then folks knew that going to worship meant going to the right sacred place.
The Samaritan woman in this morning’s Gospel lesson asks Jesus whether or not they are standing on holy ground. She’s basically asking him, “so tell me who gets it right – the Samaritans or the Jews? Are we to worship here on Mount Gerizim or are we supposed to go to Jerusalem?”
Surely if Jesus is a prophet he’ll give the right answer.
Jesus, however, isn’t interested in taking the bait. He won’t directly answer her question not because he doesn’t care, but because he wants to break this binary way of thinking. He wants to shift her focus and ours.
So . . . Jesus, should we worship here or there?
Jesus, should we worship in our Sunday best or will any outfit do?
And Jesus responds, times are changing. I’m here to let you know that where you go to worship no longer matters. What you wear to worship no longer matters. I’m not concerned with these minor details, but rather I invite you to focus on the one you worship.
Think about this: God is Spirit, which means that God is not bound to any single place; God can be known and worshipped in every place.