Have you ever gone through a season in life when you rhythm needed to be reset?
Minneapolis Moment
I arrived in Minneapolis earlier today to take part in Faith & Justice’s Fall Gathering: The Way of Jesus for Today. While this event is open to the public, I’m here as a Preaching Justice Fellow (learn more by reading I’m a Preaching Justice Fellow!).
After a general welcome and establishing ground rules, the weekend kicked off with a talk by Rev. Tyler Sit. For those reading this post who do not yet know Tyler, he is a gifted pastor (he’s the founding pastor of New City Church in Minneapolis) and provocateur who is also a published author who has appeared on So What Faith once before when I gave his then new book, Staying Awake: The Gospel for Changemakers, a perfect (5.0) rating.
Finding God’s Rhythm
In his talk, Tyler reminded all of us who were gathered in person as well as the online audience that God established an intentional rhythm in creation. To drive this home, he had those of us who were in the room with him participate in his one-of-a-kind retelling of the creation story (as the supporting cast we were divided into three “musical” groups – those with so-so rhythm, those with solid rhythm, and those with no rhythm – and trained for our roles). The story centered us in remembering and embodying a deeper understanding of God’s intent in the original act of creation and foreshadowed the dream for the ongoing work of co-creation.

So What?
After the day officially ended, the hallway conversations began (and some moved on to other venues). It was then that I began to realize just how important rhythm really is not just in creation, but in each person’s life and ministry. We are all joining God in God’s work of building the kin-dom. We all have roles to play. And, we all are only able to faithfully perform our part of this beautiful ongoing work when we get in rhythm and stay in rhythm (solid rhythm not just so-so rhythm).

I wonder about your rhythm. Does it need a reset? If so, are you willing and able to take the big bold steps needed to accomplish this?
As for me, I’m living into a rather recent reset. After stepping away from parish ministry for several years, I’ve found my way back, adopting a rhythm of both/and. I’ve returned to parish ministry after some time away (see Returning to Parish Ministry as Interim Pastor at Advent Lutheran) while continuing to lead a faith-based non-profit organization. And, after Tyler’s talk I’m more focused than ever on living into and living by this new (for me) rhythm.